My response to Roseanne

Wow! Roseanne reads my blog! Cool! In her blog she posted a rebuttal to a piece I wrote last week about her article in New York magazine. Here’s what I wrote. And on Sunday here’s what she wrote.

It’s silly to even get into a debate. I’d say the madness and paranoia of her rant speaks for itself. My reaction to it was sadness. She’s battling enormous demons. For all of her gifts and talent, that’s a steep price to pay.

I hope someday she finds some happiness in her life.

One loose end.  In her blog post she wrote this:

I took responsiblity for bad behavior, but explained that the bad behavior was during a nervous breakdown brought on by having to work in a hostile work environment, and I am pretty sure that women who have worked for you in the past (if indeed there were ANY) worked in a hostile work environment. Let me know, women writers out there--how were you treated on Ken Levine's staff?

Two women writers who worked with me and for me responded -- Robin Schiff, who was the co-creator and co-showrunner of ALMOST PERFECT with David Isaacs and I, and Linda Teverbaugh who was a producer on that show.    Also, I received a note from Laurie Gelman.  Not to stir the pot but she was the first woman producer of ROSEANNE season one.  Her account of that first year is markedly different from Roseanne's.  You decide.    My thanks to Robin, Linda, and Laurie. 

And again, Roseanne, you asked.  Let me just conclude by saying if you're reading this in Hawaii, I wish you aloha, trade winds, and anything to bring you some peace.  

From Robin Schiff:
I am a women writer who has worked with Ken Levine on three different occasions. Although he begged me to say nice things about him, I have to be honest and talk about my true experience.

Several (okay, many) years ago, I brought Ken and his partner David Isaacs an idea for a TV series. At the time, I didn’t have the experience (or cachet) to make it happen on my own. Ken and David loved the idea, which was about a strong, successful, likable, complex, opinionated woman trying to juggle a happening career with a satisfying lovelife. Not only did Ken and David get behind the fictional version of the woman, they instantly embraced the “real version” (me) as an equal and true partner. They were also my mentors, making sure I learned every aspect of producing. What they taught me was life-changing, giving me the tools to go on and have a career as one of a handful of female show runners. There are many sexist guys in the business, but Ken Levine is not one of them. The most sexist thing he ever did was blather on about baseball with the other men in the room despite the fact that I was visibly bored. Hardly grounds for a lynching.

One final thought. I totally agree with Roseanne that there is rampant sexism in the industry. A couple of weeks ago, the WGAw released its executive summary finding that (in addition to dismal stats for ethnically diverse or older writers), women comprise only 28% of working writers. We still make less money than men. All you have to do is look at the writers onstage accepting Emmys for late night talk shows and sitcoms to see that women comedy writers are on the endangered list.

That being said, it undermines the validity of a very real issue for all women anytime a woman explains away what might simply be fallout from her own actions by charging it up to sexism. Maybe Matt Williams should have given Roseanne a co-created-by credit for Roseanne. I can’t comment on that. But to say that this was because she was a woman doesn’t hold water since Matt Williams also took a sole created by credit on Home Improvement – which was based on Tim Allen’s stand-up act. I empathize with how unfairly Roseanne feels she was treated. But sexist? I would love to know how many female executive producers Roseanne employed on her own show. Did she foster talented women writers and empower them to become showrunners like Ken Levine and David Isaacs did with me? Just wondering…

From Linda Teverbaugh:

I hate to say it, being a great admirer of "Roseanne," the series (much of it, anyway), but Roseanne, the person, is talking out of her own asshat. She's right about one thing: She did hire standup friends as writers on the series. Tom Arnold's buddies, too. I know this because I'm a female writer from a blue-collar family who got screwed out of a job as a result. Thank you, Sister Woman. It was, however, my great good fortune to work for Ken shortly thereafter. Ken doesn't share Roseanne's fixation on "getting credit," so he'd never bring this up. But too bad, Ken, I'm going to: While Roseanne was literally farting on table drafts, throwing out scripts left and right, and as a consequence, holding all the writers' lives hostage, Ken busted his ass to keep the "Almost Perfect" room running efficiently, which meant keeping peace with the stage, the studio, the network, and all the other havoc makers who make sitcom hours exhausting or impossible. As far as I know he did not do this by threatening anyone with scissors. Instead, he made it possible for this working mother to leave work when the Paramount day-care center closed for the day, take my toddler son home and give him dinner. It meant the world to me, and, of all the female sitcom writers I know with kids, I'm one of the rare ones who ever got support like that. Sorry Roseanne, but that's fucking feminism.

And by the way, if Roseanne wanted "created by" credit, she needed to sit down with Matt Williams and help break and write the story for the pilot. That's what Drew Carey did with Bruce Helford.

And finally, from Laurie Gelman:

It didn’t take long for me to get a taste of the staggering sexism and class bigotry that would make the first season of Roseanne god-awful.

This makes me laugh every time I read it. I don’t know how she defines sexism, but she is one of the biggest perpetrators I have ever met. I was the first female writer producer on Roseanne and she absolutely refused to acknowledge me -- on stage or in the room. No eye contact. Nothing. She’s one of these women ( and I’m sure lots of your female writer friends can relate to this type) who likes to be the only woman in the room and play up to all the men. I was actually astounded by this because I expected her to be just the opposite. Now if you were below the line and kissing her tuchas to keep your job, you may have gotten another one of her many personalities, but this is a woman who is definitely threatened by smart, funny women and has to alpha dog all competitors. By the way, if the first season was so god-awful, how did we make it to number 1?

It was at the premiere party when I learned that my stories and ideas—and the
ideas of my sister and my first husband, Bill—had been stolen.

Really???? People actually broke into their minds and took them???? I was on the show from the rewriting of the pilot in New York all the way through the first season. There was never any point where Matt Williams did not include Roseanne in the creative process and actually want her input. In fact, I have never worked with an EP more inclusive or fair ( or nicer) than Matt Williams. He bent over backwards to please her. We made it a point to bring her into the room and get her take on every idea before we laid out the stories. Obviously, we also accommodated her notes on all the drafts. Additionally, Matt permitted her husband Bill Pentland to sit in on all the rewrite tables, thus giving her additional insurance that the Roseanne take on things was being adequately addressed.

The pilot was screened, and I saw the opening credits for the first time, which included this: CREATED BY MATT WILLIAMS. I was devastated and felt so betrayed that I stood up and left the party.

Great. More food for us.

Memorial Day

Above is a photo of real MASH doctors.

Several times studios and networks have come to my writing partner, David and me asking us to create another MASH. Well, that can’t be done. MASH is unique. It’s a comedy. It’s a drama. It’s a life and death situation. And the entire premise is built around insanity. The insanity of war, the insanity of doctors treating patients who never should be there in the first place. Comedy that comes from pain, from futility.

When you watch MASH, as well as hopefully being entertained, please appreciate the sacrifice these young soldiers and all American soldiers have made for their country.

Our thanks and prayers go to them and their families on this Memorial Day.

Tomorow:  My response to Roseanne's angry rebuttal of my article about her.    Warning:  it will be a very short response.   But first, here's what she wrote about me in her blog.  Ouch. 

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The biggest dance reality show of Bengal is back with its sixth season. Watch  latest "Dance Bangla Dance Junior.
The biggest dance reality show of Bengal is back with its sixth season. Watch  latest "Dance Bangla Dance Junior.

Watch and Enjoy Dance Bangla Dance Junior Videos

The biggest dance reality show of Bengal is back with its sixth season. Watch  latest "Dance Bangla Dance Junior.
The biggest dance reality show of Bengal is back with its sixth season. Watch  latest "Dance Bangla Dance Junior.

Opposition Chief Begum Khaleda Zia is Back Bangladesh

 Ex-Primminister Begum Khaleda Zia

 Opposition Chief Ex-Primminister Begum Khaleda Zia has returned home from New York after concluding her fortnight-long tour of the UK and the USA. She arrived by an Emirates Airlines flight around 5pm on Sunday. Senior leaders of the party greeted her with flowers outside the VIP lounge at Shahjalal International Airport.
 Ex-Primminister Begum Khaleda Zia
She was conferred a special honour during her stay in the USA by New Jersey Senate.
The party, along with its factions, accorded her a grand reception outside the airport.
BNP standing committee member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Moudud Ahmed, Mirza Abbas, Dhaka City mayor Sadek Hossain Khoka and acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir were among those present at the airport.
Ex-Primminister Begum Khaleda Zia
The BNP chairperson left Dhaka for London on May 14 and began her USA tour from May 21.
During her weeklong stay in the USA, Khaleda called on US vice president Joe Biden's security advisor Tony Blinken, Bangladesh's congressional caucus co-chair Joseph Crowly and three other influential congressmen in Washington. Prior to her US visit, the BNP chief met her eldest son Tarique Rahman in London after over three years. She had also met various other political leaders, including former British prime minister Gordon Brown, in the UK.

Character actors

My heart goes out to character actors.

When you read casting breakdowns there are a lot more productions seeking, “Male, 30’s, handsome, charming” than “Overweight, 50’s, Italian/Russian mix, unibrow”.

And the few character actors that are successful enough that they don’t have to be service managers at Jiffy Lube ultimately get trapped by their own success. Producers will glance at their headshots or see them read and say, “Him again? Jesus. This guy’s been on a million shows. Can’t we find any new overweight Italian/Russians? “

When you walk into a room and the producers go, “Hey, it’s the ‘can you hear me’ guy!” or “I’ve seen that big white head before. Aren’t you Jack from Jack in the Box?” you’re dead.

Or if a production is to be filmed on location in say, Houston. They’ll cast from the local pool there. Yes, that Nazi soldier might speak with a drawl but it’s cheaper to over-dub him than fly a real Nazi halfway across the country.

And time is never a friend. They get too old to play the cute waitress, the ballplayer, or Julia Roberts’ best friend (although Julia Roberts miraculously never ages herself).

If a character actor isn’t hot agents often lose interest. There’s always some Chihuahua who’s easier to book.

The most heartbreaking casting session I ever held was on MASH. We had a USO subplot in an episode and needed an accordion player. One by one, ten accordion players came in to audition. They all looked right, they all could play “Lady of Spain”. We had to choose one, which we did. But I felt so terrible for the others. How many calls do they get from their agent saying “MASH needs an accordion player”? How many of them kissed their wives goodbye on the way to the casting session saying, “I know I haven’t worked in six years but I’ve got this one!”

So the next time you’re in Jiffy Lube or Wal-Mart or Staples be nice to the clerk. He may be one hell of an accordion player.

Off to Seattle to begin broadcasting all next week for the Mariners.  Would love to meet all of you in the area.  I'm open to suggestions. 

Barcelona beat Manchester United and win the Champions League 2011

Barcelona continued to win titles in his hobby and won the Champions League for the third time in the last six seasons by beating Manchester United 3 / 1 Saturday in the final match of the tournament on the stadium "Wembley" in the British capital London.

The Barcelona Champions League title to the league title, which made recently to confirm that the best club in Europe and the world in recent years.

And Barcelona qualify that title to the Club World Championship, held at the end of this year.

And is the fourth title for Barcelona in the Champions League where he had previously won the title in the years 1992 stadium "Wembley" the old, 2006 and 2009 before that culminates today with his second title in the championship in three seasons only.

Barcelona's brilliant season with a title of an exciting and historic, where the match today is the first final of the tournament on the stadium "Wembley" new after hosted the old stadium five-game final of the championship in 1963, 1968, 1971, 1978 and 1992 before being re-constructed and opened in 2007.

The first half ended everywhere in the 1 / 1 Barcelona, ​​where he was the initiator is up by Pedro Rodriguez in 27 minutes, and a tie and Wayne Rooney to Manchester in 34 minutes.

In the second half, announced the Argentine striker Lionel Messi for the same force and face of one of their bites for Manchester United with a goal 54 minutes in the progress note that he scored the second goal for Barcelona is also in the nets during the Manchester final in 2009.

The goal is to twelfth Messi in the Champions League this season where the player sits on the top scorer in the tournament this season.

Just as the player the record for number of goals recorded by any player in one season championship and the Registrar on behalf of Ruud van Nistelrooy since the 2002/2003 season when he scored 12 goals for Manchester United in the Champions League.

David Villa and spent the hopes of Manchester United in the equalizer when he scored the third goal for Barcelona in 69 minutes as a translator for his team's obvious superiority in this game to a deserved victory.

And the superiority of Josep Guardiola's Barca coach again on the old fox Sir Alex Ferguson for Manchester United and it has achieved the second win in the final of the Champions League where he had previously lead Barcelona to beat Manchester / 2 zero in the final of 2009.

The veteran Dutch keeper Edwin van der Sar is the first star for Manchester United in this match where his team saved many of the goals but it was not enough for the court filed a new title where the match was his last before retiring.

While missed Sepp Blatter, president of the International Federation of the game (FIFA) for the cabin in the meeting today, was among those present Portuguese star the legendary Eusebio, who scored for Benfica, the only goal in the first final of the tournament on the old Wembley in 1963 when Milan won the Italian 2 / 1 to snatch the title.

The two teams offer fun recalled memories of the final match between the two teams was in 2009, Manchester is the best in the beginning of the meeting, but Barcelona was the initiator up in the tenth minute before taking control of the game.

But the difference is that Barcelona dominated the game in today's game after the first ten minutes and scored in the middle of the game before the draw Manchester United.

Barcelona once again defended his style of performance and who are looking for aesthetic play and scroll masterly possession of the ball even though it is incompatible with the principle of most of the difference in dealing with the final matches, where victory always comes at the forefront of performance goals at the expense of aesthetics.

The match started pressing the offensive from Manchester United, Barcelona in order to shake the box early, but the Barca defense succeeded in confronting Hamas initially Although over-confidence in the performance of his players.

And the form of Mexican Javier Hernandez "Cicarret" Ecuador's Antonio Valencia with spearhead Wayne Rooney a particular nerve to defend Barcelona in the first few minutes.

Hernandez thought that the opportunity and Oataath in the seventh minute when he reached inside the penalty area and Barcelona but the referee pointed out the existence of infiltration before being a casual player the ball over the goalkeeper of Barcelona.

In the minutes immediately following, had the opportunity to Rooney after a long ball was on his way to be paid or singled out, but goalkeeper Victor Valdes Barcelona went out to the edge of the area to push the ball his fist from behind the defenders and before that accounts for Rooney on the ball.

And saw the tenth minute chance of serious Manchester after a long pass Gerard Pique tried to return it to Valdez, under pressure from Rooney, without regard for the progress of Valdez in front of goal and rode their luck but the last Vobad the ball from the edge of the area.

After control of Manchester offensive in the first ten minutes of the match, Barcelona began to impose his style of scroll masterly possession of the ball.

And had the first opportunity to Barcelona in 11 minutes after the attack and got the ball to David Villa, Rio Ferdinand, but the ball beyond his expertise to a corner not being exploited.

Asked Pedro to Barcelona with a penalty following a handball on the French defender Patrice Evra Manchester inside the penalty area, but Hungarian referee Viktor Kasai pointed down the play.

Pedro and almost penetrate the nets Manchester United on 16 minutes after the onslaught of the relay where players Barcelona for a full minute before Xavi pass the ball from the right to Pedro, who played next based on a few steps away from the goal.

Barcelona continued to dominate the game, scroll flour and startle Villa Manchester with a powerful shot from outside the penalty area but the ball went narrowly wide on the left of goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar.

Beyond Defending the ball from in front of Manchester Messi inside the penalty area in a timely manner prior to payment, and bounced the ball to the attack by the English quick to banish the Argentine Javier Mascherano in front of the ball from Rooney in a timely manner.

Messi took advantage of an error in the defense of Manchester and launched the ball inside the penalty area beat a defender trying to monopolize the goalkeeper on 25 minutes, but Rio Ferdinand farther the ball at the last minute.

Barcelona superiority and translated to the goal on 27 minutes when Xavi passed playmaker crafty ball to Pedro on the edge of the area to create the Pedro the ball to himself and paid from within the region into the net to the left of Van der Sar.

The goal sparked the ire of the English team Manchester United tried to respond but the Barca continued to dominate the midfield and maintained a high rate of acquisition of the ball during the next few minutes.

In the absence of defense Barcelona in 34 minutes, scored the equalizer Manchester following an exchange of the ball between the veteran Ryan Giggs who is suspected of infiltrating and Rooney, who fired the ball straight into the net to the right of Valdes to restore the game to the starting point.

Barcelona and came back the offensive pressure and incisive passing, while Manchester resorted to intense defense and counter-attacks.

And the imposition of defense Manchester United close monitoring on Messi and to the extent of rough sometimes, but this was only verbal warning for Valencia after a strong intervention with Messi in 41 minutes.

The resulting free-kick for a chance to pass from Messi ended Sergio Busquets and Pedro put directly in the face of goal but failed to pay the ball accurately to come out to a goal kick.

Saw 43 minutes a serious chance for Barcelona after the start of a wonderful Messi terminated pass neat to VIA unattended on the left side, but striker dangerous preferred return the ball back to Messi instead of payment to interfere with the defense and lost the opportunity in front of Macy, a step away from the net to end the first half tie positive after an exciting performance of the two teams, particularly Barcelona.

And stepped up the Barcelona attack at the beginning of the second half but Manchester continued reliance on the bloc defense Vvclt attempts Messi, Pedro, Xavi and Villa in penetrating this defense, prompting Chafee to experience payment from outside the area but the ball hit the defense and went out to the corner not being exploited well.

Rooney tried to exploit one of the counter-attack for the formation of gravity on goal but the Catalan Pique deal with the attack carefully and managed to get a goal kick.

In minute 52, Barcelona insist luck again after a serious attack from the right finished with Pedro with a powerful shot saved by Van der Sar and bounce the ball to him to Messi, who tried to play the ball falling into the net but hit Vidic's head and went out to a corner.

But rode their luck Messi on 54 minutes when he received a pass from Andres Iniesta shall submit two steps and then fired the ball left-foot finish from outside the arc of the penalty area in the custody of Evra to glide the ball into the net to the left of Van der Sar.

Dani Alves and received a warning in 60 minutes for a foul on Michael Carrick also received a warning in the next minute for a foul on Iniesta.

And Edwin van der Sar for a certain goal for Barcelona when Messi got the ball following a pass by Iniesta after 63 minutes to turn a young Argentine star Manchester elusive defense by penetrating the penalty area and a strong ball-runners to address her van der Sar before being hooked back defense.

And insist luck Messi on 65 minutes after the onslaught of fast breaks to Barcelona Dani Alves on the track the penalty to Manchester and then passed the ball to Messi, who played football with the butt, but the defense knocked out before the goal line.

And the brilliance of Van der Sar again parried Xavi-propelled grenade fired from outside the penalty area on 66 minutes to get out the ball to a corner not being exploited.

And found Van der Sar the ball in his hand very strangely in the next minute after a serious attack terminated Iniesta shot another rocket from outside the area but I went in the hands of the keeper.

And my father David Villa to miss all these opportunities in vain from Barcelona, ​​scored the third goal of the team in 69 minutes to be translated by the onslaught of wonderful Catalan team rigged Messi and Pedro defense of Manchester before passing the ball to Villa, who shot straight out of the box in the corner very hard to the left of Van der Sar.

And calmed the rhythm of playing in the next few minutes, although there are some attempts from both teams to score more goals.

Ferguson failed to changes in re-team to the game especially with the decline in the level of vigilance in front of the line of attack and defense Barcelona goalkeeper Victor Valdes.

Champions League final Manchester United vs Barcelona 28-5-2011

Champions League final Manchester United vs Barcelona 28-5-2011

Manchester United vs Barcelona 28-5-2011

After the resolution of each title of the league for him and celebrate achievement and must turn full focus now is the Champions League where he will meet Manchester United and Barcelona at the "House of Football" Wembley Stadium in the capital of English London and the goal of both of them to add the Champions League title IV of the Khozainhma, teams They met two years ago and won the Barcelona and then two straight at the Stade Olimpico in Rome, and this will be the sixth time that confront the two teams Balnhaii for the second time and is optimistic history of the fans of Manchester we refer to them as in the last three finals frequent (AC Milan against Ajax 69 and 95, Juventus against Ajax 73 and 96, for Liverpool against AC Milan 2005 and 2007) won the team that lost the first game, Manchester lost two years ago, but Sir Alex Ferguson believes that the "revenge does not enter the game, we'll be playing against a team great, but we can not be afraid, we must find solutions to play with them, "and did not rule out the BIOS of any solution that even the use of the advice of former rival Jose Mourinho's confrontations repeated against Barcelona, ​​Barcelona in turn wishes to repeat its success at Wembley and says striker Pedro" We hope that history will repeat itself and we win as we did in 1992, this will be difficult because Manchester has a great team but more importantly, we Balnhaii. " All eager for this match which was described by the newspaper El Mundo Clasico as Europe went with Gazzetta Dello Sport of the Declaration on May 28 as the date for football to show their best.

Match Details

Manchester United vs Barcelona

Saturday, May 28, 2011


19:45 GMT / 21:45 Mecca

Stadium match

Wembley - London


Hungarian Victor Kasai

Wembley Stadium

Wembley Stadium will host the Champions League final for the sixth time and is the number of hosting a record number of times and this time it will be final and the new Wembley
After the rebuilt Wembley witnessed a huge shift since the last final was held in which the old system, the tournament champion clubs Cup 1992, but the stadium retains the prestige and may
Built arch above the stadium rather than the twin towers, who were a symbol of Oempeli the old stadium was rebuilt completely and become one of the best stadiums in the world with a capacity of up
For 90 thousand spectators, was the opening of the new Wembley in 2007 and returned once again to be the stadium also hosts England England Cups finals, local
Known as the "house of football", Wembley hosted five European Cup more than any other stadium in addition to the finalists in the FA Cup and European Cup Winners Cup
European and a breakdown of the finals will come out shortly after five, the old Wembley Stadium was known as the Empire Stadium, and has been built to host the Empire Exhibition
British by the end of World War I, the first match played on the pitch before the official opening full year where he met with Bolton and West Ham FA Cup final
English in 1923 in the presence of nearly 200 thousand spectators, the meeting ended that Bolton won the match 2-0, known as the "final white horse" to enter the
Police horses to stop the advance of the public to pitch.
Old stadium named after the suburb of North London, which built and became the focal point of English football since that time, Wembley hosted the Olympic Games
Cup 1948 and Euro 1996 as well as for hosting the most important achievements of English football, represented in the final of the 1966 World Cup when he scored Geoff Hurst
Hat-trick led by England to beat West Germany 4-2 overtime. The stadium was demolished in 2003 and rebuilt and now hosts the stadium and Events
Football events of other sports such as rugby, American football and even sports cars, also hosted some major concerts and charity events.

Prior to the finals and Wembley
May 20, 1992 (Barcelona - Sampdoria)
This final was the last to pitch the Twin Towers (one of the names of the old Wembley) and at the same time, is the last final of the Champions League as the old ...
But it was the first victory for Barcelona in the final of the tournament after two defeats in two previous ... A long list of big stars such as Catalan team shirt Guardiola
And to Audrb and Stoichkov and the team called the dream team ... I need to Barcelona runs to drop the additional Italian rivals, which included in its ranks the Stars
Likes of Mancini and Vialli, Lombardo and ... But had the last word of the star Ronald Koeman, who break the tie in 112 minutes rocket-propelled grenade landed
Giant goalkeeper Pagliuca ....
May 10, 1978 (Liverpool - Club Brugge)
After receiving a European Championship Cup Champions the previous season, Liverpool became the first English team who is able to keep his title after beating Bruges
Which removed both of the way from Atletico Madrid and Juventus, but he did not get only to the few opportunities in the meeting, which was dominated by fellow Star Dalglish
Jansen, who beat the keeper to Bruges in 64 minutes .... Scotland striker joined the Reds to succeed Kevin Keegan at Liverpool ... Kenny did not find a better opportunity
To prove his talent coronation of the European title and maintain it for the first time and to continue the glittering era of the giant Merseyside ...
June 2, 1971 (Ajax - Bnatnaikos)
In the footsteps of fellow Feyenoord Ajax became the second team to Dutch win the European title and this title will be the first of 3 consecutive titles achieved by the team star, accompanied by
Legendary Johan Kurev .... And to continue the philosophy of total football of the Dutch team, led by Rinus Michel enable Ajax to overcome the rival Greek
Puskas and his coach two straight Bdohma Dick Van Dyk in 82 minutes of the meeting, Omar and Arie Haan before the end of the match
May 29, 1968 (Manchester United - Benfica)
After 10 years on the Munich disaster ... Manchester United reserve a seat between Kbaralgarp old as the first English team win the championship ... Register the team before the championship is not
Not good as the team to walk Bezbi provided to match a record outside the modest home, but this time the Panel is satisfied with the fact that Wembley is the final scene
Benfica's big ... Charlton opened by the result of Mann to amend the Garcha group of Portuguese before the end of 11 minutes ... The Portuguese were in the vicinity of
Won the title, but Manchester United goalkeeper Alex Stepani Iosebo serious saved ball .... Before United's rise up and shock his opponent with two goals in the first 4 minutes of
Extra time before the first complete survivor of the incident Munich Festival Charlton scoring the fourth goal ....
May 22, 1963 (AC Milan - Benfica)
Wembley Stadium was not Balvol Hassan Benfica ... The team Portugal lost the final again on the same pitch, but before 5 years of falling in front of Alioonatid ...
Benfica lost opportunity coronation title for the third time history in front of AC Milan crowned champions for the first time .... Italian team, nicknamed Balrosonery came to London
Led by senior stars such as Gianni Rivera and Cesare Maldini, Giovanni Trapattoni ... But there is another star in the team stole the show at that meeting, a Brazilian
Jose Altavani which amended the result of the Italians in 69 minutes after opening the Portuguese legend Iozbio result for his team in 19 minutes .... Brazilian striker then returned
To double Alentjip scoring his second goal for his team .... Bilateral dedication rose to score 14 goals this season and a record number of goals in one season 

Staff arbitration Hungarian

Referee: Victor Kasai

Line two: Gabor Eros and Giorgi Range

Fourth official: Istvan Fad

Additional provisions: Mihaly Fabian, and Tamás Bouknar

Ruling on reserve: Robert Kisba

Name: Manchester United, Manchester United fc
Previous Name: Newton Heath Newton health L & YR
Nickname: Red Devils The Red Devils
Foundation Year: 1878
Venue: Old Trafford Old Trafford
Owner: Malcolm Glazer Malcolm Glazer
Deputies: Jules & Avram Glazer Joel & Avram Glazer
Coach: Sir Alex Ferguson Sir Alex Ferguson
Premier League: Premier League FA Premier league
Manchester United's English club football only, home is Old Trafford (Theatre of Dreams) in Manchester, and is one of the most famous clubs of the world where he has about 330 million fans around the world, about 5% of the total of all mankind, he joined Manchester United to the Champions League English excellent in 1992 and is the year of its inception, and played United's first division consecutively since 1938 except in 1975, was the highest attendance rates in England the public except for a few years.
The Manchester United and one of the most successful English teams in history, where the team was able to achieve the first European Championship was represented in the Champions League in 1968, and won second titles of the European Championship when he won three historic in 1999, and in 2008 managed to work the tournament for the third time in its history , and owns the team record in achieving the FA Cup (the oldest football tournaments), where the achievements of 11 times, since the late nineties the team became one of the richest clubs of the world where he gets the best return on the level of all football clubs, as well as it is considered the most expensive club at all levels all games around the world Bmlbg of 897 million pounds (1.333 billion euros / $ 1.8 billion), according to September 2008.
Join Manchester United to the list of most powerful global G14 14 Club was Sir Alex Ferguson's Red Devils team in November 6th, 1986 at the expense of Roy Atkinson, The Scot is the most successful coaches in team history as it was able to make 30 tournaments so far.

Working Assets (1878 - 1889)

The story of Manchester United began in 1878 when asked workers at the railway managers of the company ear care and the establishment of a football team, already has been granted permission was for a team named Newton Heath Newton health L & YR and they have been Stadium Alnort Road North road team began to play a few games onset especially with the teams of the railway the other, and in the season 1882-1883 the team played 26 for a friendly meeting, and stood for the tournament is famous for Lancashire Lancashire cup, but they came out of the tournament in front of the reserve team of the reigning FA Cup last season, his Blackburn Olympic heavy defeat was 2-7 of the first round . Having found that the competition in this tournament impossible decided to enter the Challenge Cup in Manchester and reached the final of the first post in 1984, and the team won all their matches Butlathiat even on the team Eccles, who was dismissed from the tournament after a protest coach in an inappropriate manner on the third goal for Newton Heath (Manchester United now), but these successes have ended after the team lost to Balnhaiy Harst three clean stadium Governor Range.
And continued failures after they called Championship Allankashaer from the second floor, which prevented them from reaching the championship for four consecutive seasons, and then arrived in Newton Heath final championship challenge in Manchester 5 times in a row did not lose them, but only once, and there were a significant shift as the club after the club decided to shift from a club for amateur to the club for professionals, and bring the team to international players such as: Jack Boyle, who became the team's captain and two brothers Jack and Roger Doughty and Tom Brock, and the team arrived to the best grades on time when he participated Powell FA Cup history season 1886-1987, and put lots with Vljetwood Park and the match ended in a draw two goals when he took refuge provision for overtime but refused to Jack Boyle played extra time Vahzb referee team Vljetwood winner and when he protested Newton Health was prevented from participating to the year 1889, In ​​1888 he joined the team to its first Champions League English history and then joined the organization (combination similar to the FA now ). First season ended nicely, but in the next season and put the organization financial difficulties led to the exclusion of the team even before the end of the season.


FC Barcelona football - or as he calls fans Barca is a Spanish sports club from the city of Barcelona in the Catalonia region. Stadium club called Balcamb no. Is one of the most prominent clubs and one of the leaders of Spanish football with Real Madrid, where he won several local championships, continental and global in the various sports involved with and is in addition to football - basketball and ice hockey, handball and others. FC Barcelona is more club popular in Europe up fans to 57.8 million approximately, is headed by the club currently Mr. Sandro Rosell successor to the lawyer Juan does not Porta and coaching the football team of the player's former club Josep Guardiola where lined with this coach the finest lines in history, the roots of FC Barcelona and is one of the best coaches which passed GS of the club, the foundations of FC Barcelona Swiss businessman Hans Gamper you get p sexual Catalan then changed his name from Hans Gamper to Joan Gamper was that in 1899 not to Barcelona have a professor of athlete at that time and was doing his training in the city's public until the building Carrier Andestiria Stadium in 1909, was the first championship of the club is the Catalan Cup Mathia, "starring Catalonia" and was under the supervision of Joan Gamper in 1901

The first golden period was the club was under the prohibitions a number of players emerge most prominent of whom was Zamora and Paulino Alcantara where they could win their first League Spanish in 1929, and in this period the club building a stadium Akurts which had a capacity for 30 thousand spectators, and then expanded to reach Astaab fans when to 60 thousand spectators! also in 1940 was a period of a beautiful p lovers Blaugrana where he signed Kubala on hold for 5 years he managed the player to win five tournaments Castilian distributed between the cup and the league and the deal was the most important transactions staged held in Barcelona, ​​where he became the player of the most prominent scorer in Barcelona throughout history and that was in 1957, soon after The King's time, "Franco" grant to Barcelona and a piece of land and the club would be built Camp Nou, who is expanding to 98 600 people go home, and in the early sixties could not the club get p many titles, although a handful of stars I own the team staged at the time, until the arrival of Johan Cruyff in 1973, where he was loved and Cruyff idol of the masses shortly after he signed a contract with Barcelona, ​​especially after the registration team to five flattened box Madrid and the nail in the league that year

Afterwards, presided over the club president famous Jose Luis Nunez, and that was in 1978, where he was able to President signature of the bomb at the time, Diego Armando Maradona of Boca Junior, but that the player did not remain a lot with the team where the leaders of his problems with multiple club president specifically to the Group of Naples, was believed to everyone that the team was Sitoada with the departure of Maradona, the club was able to reap the titles under the supervision of the Technical Director of the time Terry Vinabuls, and in the early nineties could become Johan Cruyff, coach of the team was in 1990 and continued with the club for 4 years, where he Cruyff to form a very strong team after being seconded Romario, top scorer of the Brazilian and a number of other players, most notably coach current Pep Qguardiola and Stoichkov and Zubizarreta, Ronald Koeman, where they can get p the league for 4 consecutive years in the unique achievement of its kind in the history of FC Barcelona, ​​The the club in 11 title under the leadership of Dutchman Cruyff In the late nineties recognizes team coach famous Bobby Robinson, where the timely assignment of Ronaldo and that was the year 1996 with the achievement of Robinson for three cruised to the club most notably the European Cup Winners Cup, but he did not continue for a long time at the club because of his defense, forcing the club after that to sign with the van is free and managed the Dutch to stay the course great for the club Catalan have won with the club to two titles of the Primera Liga, however, the failure of the European led the team to do without him and that was in 2000, The Dutch released by Brazilian Ronaldo after one year of the game with the team

As the new millennium period was bad for the club Catalan at the beginning, to elect a new president instead of Nunez, where he was elected Jaspart after he got p the proportion of voting power of all the candidates, the first Fail this man is selling the team's captain and star player Luis FIGU to Real Madrid, after he Jaspart experimenting with many of the coaches for the team and has failed miserably where the accumulated also debt GS club where it reached as much debt to 150 million euros, forcing him p to resign, then in the election period, Mr. Joan Laporta to run for presidency of the club and was able to achieve a successful presidency is quite possibly longer best in the history of Barcelona, ​​where he was able to the President to strengthen the club economically and mathematically and through large-scale projects that have been implemented in various countries around the world and interest is very large school club and the installation of Cruyff as his adviser and Frank Rijkaard, the Dutch coach of the team where the club were able to win the Spanish league for several times and the Champions League Europe for two and a Super Cup EuropeAid and the Spanish several times, after and before the end of his presidency, President inauguration Qguardiola as coach to replace Dutchman Rijkaard, who attained the results with the team in the last two years, to lead Mr. Qguardiola the team to the unique achievement of its kind where the team was able to obtain p-party historical and that gaining for the league and King's Cup and the Champions League and Spanish Super Cup and Super Cup EuropeAid and the World Cup of Cup Champions, and this is the year the last Joan Laporta, after having spent 8 years line from which the history of gold, after the Group received the current president of the club Sandro Rosell, where he began the other underline a new date for the club winning p first title of "La Liga" and qualify for the cup final and the Champions League final, after having been assigned a number of new players and Here tries to raise the economy of the club deteriorated recently because of the many expenses and great deals at other times.$plit/C_71_article_1420771_image_list_image_list_item_2_image.jpg?14%2F05%2F2011%2014%3A42%3A32%3A301

Manchester United from the beginning of the season, fought on four fronts complete, the team suffered a setback in some of the season, either because of injury or because of an injured player with a strange virus penetrated the atmosphere at Old Trafford, and bad news and strange comments from players.

Manchester United fought on the English League Cup + FA Cup + League + Premier League, in the first cup and is the League Cup and reached even the quarterfinals of the championship, but the team played to shape the reserve in front of West Ham and lost time to quadruple.

In the FA Cup may be the cup is better and it was possible that the team skips Manchester City, but, the team in the tournament defeated Liverpool at Old Trafford in the first round with a view of nothing logged Ryan Jidze from the penalty spot and clear the team Alliverboli, after that The team interviewed the Southampton game in the stadium Street March second division and then won 2-1 record veteran England striker Michael Owen and the owner of the series Mexican Javier Hernandez in that game.

And meet the team after the team is also easy to name Crawley Town Stadium Old Trafford, maybe when you see the name to be easy, but the truth is that it was a big match was won by Manchester United goal on the pitch the signing of England international earlier Wes Brown in that game from a header by a wonderful, and then went to Old Trafford and Arsenal met again, and scored Fabio da Silva and Wayne Rooney in that game.

But the team went to Wembley to meet Manchester City in the semifinals and lost from City to one goal on the pitch feet Yaya Toure, this for the FA, but for the Champions League, perhaps the tournament is splendid for the masses manshester after overcoming the difference Rangers (league champions Scottish), Valencia (third league, Spain), Bursa Spor (Turkish league champions), but Manchester United came out of those games, all to register an own goal and only one Megaupload.

Only goal was recorded for Pablo Hernandez in the second leg at Old Trafford Theatre of Dreams, when he was a son of Amos is a goalkeeper at the time, in the role of the 16 team met with Marseille in the role of the knockout, in the first leg in France 0-0 and the result was But then came home to Manchester United's French team honors the best tip and score two goals and conceded a goal.

And Group went to London, as they say it the capital of the fog, and meet Chelsea in their own home at Stamford Bridge in a thrilling and fun, there was one goal and an important and make preference to Manchester United at Chelsea because of the registry out of the ground the signing of Wayne Rooney, and returned the two teams for Old Trafford and as is customary, Megaupload, Chelsea and Manchester United honors record on the Chelsea goals and conceding a goal.

Then the team went to the German territory to interview Schalke Almstafik and ambition, he entered the team meeting, a name corresponds to a German team Schalke, income and warned because of what is known and he was defeated Inter 5-2 in the sum of two games, he entered the team, but the game was easier than expected All Praise be to God, and scored United's goals in the German territory, making United's team qualified for interview of Barcelona, ​​who beat Real Madrid 2-0 and probably closer to the final over, the team returned to Old Trafford and matched to Schalke 4-1 and then scored a 6 - a total of two games, and scored two goals and is Anderson Oliveira, after the severe disruption on the scoresheet, and came back and scored and made a nice gift for his team.

And that Manchester United now in the final, the team aspires to take the European title, and go far this season and the World Cup for clubs and other works are very beautiful.

In the Premier League maybe Manchester United, it was better to win with the championship on Sunday at exactly six p.m. Manchester United will play against Blackpool and will raise the championship Premier League, the leader of England now Manchester United met Chelsea twice and Liverpool twice and Arsenal twice and Manchester City twice this season As usual in the league.

Against Chelsea, the team won one and lost one, lost at Stamford Bridge, due in arbitration, and so on, Wayne Rooney was a fingerprint in that game by scoring early for his team, but Chelsea and then came back and scored two goals in the match won by Javier Hernandez scored an early goal in the first 35 seconds of the first half, and then Vidic scored in minute 23, but Lampard scored a goal, but he was not working to draw the two teams, Manchester United and won in that game.

And met with Liverpool and also a game won and the game lost it, won the match on the Theatre of Dreams turned to illusions of Liverpool, when Dimitar Berbatov all means of registration in that game, Megaupload, to score a hat-trick has been saved in the name of the great Dimitar Berbatov's golden touch , but in the second leg was the problem and Dalglish did a lot to go beyond Sir Alex and already Liverpool defeated Manchester United in that game to trick also for Kuyt, but also Javier Hernandez had a touch in that game up a goal did not help the team to modify the result.

And against Arsenal as usual, United have won once and lost in time, and as usual in the first leg at Old Trafford team scores a goal by Park Ji-sung, a header Excellent and beautiful, and in that game, unfortunately, also Wayne Rooney missed a penalty kick, and in the game Arsenal won the second leg in that game and in the UAE because it was the rightful winner, and a 1-0 record Aaron Ramsey and Wales captain, Manchester United did not play well in that game and lost it.

Against City this a different game tied going in and in return won and the series will not say it Mexican or Indian or anything, but the series of making Wayne Rooney made his name, in the first leg is not there a lot to say about that game is a "reservation defensive" and But in the second leg was the events, as follows: opened Luis Nani His most industry in the league with 18 industry in 41 minutes, and then just David Silva goals after the collision the ball b Dzeko, but then raise Nani high ball went to Hollywood and Wayne Rooney goal from Hollywood and was the most beautiful goals this season, and has already taken the award for best goal of the season as a whole.

Manchester United in the final now, and will meet with the team the most enjoyable team Barcelona, ​​and abounded abounded Polls and Surveys on the expectation of winning? But perhaps announce it in the first 90 minutes of the game, or perhaps announce it in 30 minutes the other, or may be settled by kicks or kicks to the so-called luck.

FC Barcelona

Barcelona, ​​who play games a few weeks ago a very critical with Real Madrid both in the league or the cup in the semi-finals of the Champions League, Barcelona was the Overall winner despite losing the final of the cup.

Barcelona face Real Madrid league stadium Santiago Bernabeu and the game ended 1-1, and because of this result is approached at the time of the Barcelona win the league title for the time 21 and after the match against Real Madrid faced Barcelona Osasuna won 2-0 which proximity to more than one title, although Real Madrid win 6-3 Valencia, after the game against Osasuna Barcelona play Real Sossidadalve achieved a surprise victory at home to Barcelona 2-1 Real Sociedad after the game came at the time the derby between Barcelona and Espanyol at Camp Nou Barca have made the object of this game by beating Espanyol 2 - 0 and close to maintain his title for the third consecutive season and becomes Barcelona after the step of retaining the league, Badz it came time to resolve the league after drawing with Barcelona Levante 1-1 and retain the Barcelona title and to achieve the title of an important new, the last match of the team at home this season in the the league was against Deportivo La Coruna and Barcelona team played the second and the match ended in a goalless draw in Barcelona, ​​to raise the game title and assure everyone that he stands ready to match Wembley.

In the cup and faced Barcelona Real Madrid Balnhaii but Barcelona could not win the title after Cristiano Ronaldo's goal in overtime and Balillz in 103 minutes and comes out of the Barcelona Cup head held high as that Real Madrid than in this match after he scored the goal through a counter-attack and managed to win the title of the cup.

We come now to the most important Champions League, where the tournament gathered the strongest teams in Europe, Barcelona and Real Madrid met in the semi-finals after they beat Barcelona 5-1 to Shakhtar in the first leg semi-finals and repeated his victory trip, making it 1-0 to reach the semi-finals The Real Madrid only won on the Spurs to go 4-0 and also won it 1-0 in the second leg. In the first leg semi-final on the stadium Santiago Bernabeu made Barcelona a 2-0 win over Real Madrid after the two goals are impressive to Messi, who made a great game at the time, makes Barcelona relaxed a little, in the second leg, Barcelona were relaxed somewhat and the players were GRIP and Itnagulwa passes until he succeeded Pedro in 54 minutes of recording the first goal in this game and this making the Barcelona relaxes more and more and much closer to Wembley after just 10 minutes by Real Madrid Ptsgel equalized by Marcelo and restores hope for his team, but this goal was not useful Real Madrid something that Barcelona has to maintain the result and end the game 1-1, but Barcelona will rejoice in this draw which qualified him for the final at Wembley and Real Madrid out of the tournament and to be Barcelona is a finalist for the Wembley final and who will face Manchester United in the final. This is the decisive weeks of the League and Cup and the Champions League and Barcelona, ​​there's superiority by virtue of that league, which drew much of its proximity to win the league and it qualified for the Champions League final at Wembley but lost the cup final which was won by Real Madrid 1-0.

Barcelona before the deadline for achieving the Champions League for the fourth time in its history does succeed do so after passing the tough teams such as Arsenal and Real Madrid will be the final leg of the tournament and final Manchester United at Wembley.

Memories of meeting Alolympko Rome hangs over the land of Wembley

08/2009 season not long ago, but the names that participated in the final that has not changed much for the names of players who Silabbo in the final of this year! The defeat of Manchester United in the season hard and painful, the players, and loved ones in general of a team stubborn Spanish conquered the world in that year which brought out the things named coach Pep Guardwyla and achieved the six-party .. And not just the Triple!
The question is the most prominent, is that defeat affect the performance of the players of Manchester United in the Wembley final, or give them a motivation for revenge, especially that the earth (English) .. Conversely sons play their game and they Pep Jawardwyla morale because of beating arch-rivals Real Madrid and secondly the sense of the game of fond memories, where the 2008/2009 season as we mentioned not long ago ..
Ferguson certainly wish Besttiyad team Catalan and coach Guardiola thanks to his defense of the Iron and coherent this season, and he knows Fergie that there is no way to win but to reduce the risk offensive to the Spanish side and try to bite attacks bounce or set pieces, he certainly has benefited from the lesson, which was received in the final of 2009 in Rome ..
Guardiola also hopes superiority over Ferguson for the second time, and these hopes and aspirations of a legitimate right to coach young .. He knows very well that if he wins this tournament Fissehakq historic glory for himself and his team and will jump a huge leap in the history of the Champions League as a coach has achieved this title for twice! Guardiola Is it actually can achieve this with the Catalan team?
The arrival of the two teams for the final proof Ovdilithma now where spearheading the classification of the European Union based on the results of the European past five years and if Manchester United beats arrival of three finals this period, Barcelona reached the semi-finals or beyond for four consecutive years and these figures show clearly why enter the two candidates for the title before even kicks off

1 - Manchester won:
Will increase the number of four championships competition level with Ajax and Bayern Munich
  English clubs would be equivalent to both clubs, Spain and Italy the number of times to win the tournament (12)
Will be the first club to achieve the title three times without defeat, where did it before in 1999 and 2008
Would be equivalent to coach Bob Ferguson No. Bazle the number of times to win the tournament with three titles, Bazle won with Liverpool in 77 and 78 and 81
2 - Barcelona won:
Will increase the number of four championships competition level with Ajax and Bayern Munich
Unique concept, the Spanish club record for the number of times to win the championship with 13 Championship
If the registration number Nistelrooy Messi would be equivalent to register as many goals in one season of the New Testament for the Champions League (since 92/93)

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