This is a VERY prego Jessica at the premier of her new flik, "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D"
But how will she get back to THIS, so fast?.....
Jessica Alba, who lamented that pregnancy ruined her body, plans to wears a girdle from the moment she gives birth to her second child until two to three months after delivery.
“I wear a girdle around my tummy from the moment I give birth until it doesn’t feel loosely-goosey anymore—that takes a good two to three months,"Alba, 30, says in the September 2011 issue of Lucky.
"It’s spandex with Velcro.”
She also suggests,
"Working out everyday for even just 45 minutes is good for my mental state. But getting dress and actually doing it is the worst. It's hard to get motivated."
"I have a hard time with portion control, so I have 1,200 calorie meals delivered. But I also work out, so basically I'm starving—it sucks. I drink a lot of water."
When Jess is in the GYM she has 5 things to DISTRACT her...
"TV, iPod, magazines. Working partners are good, too, so you can chat and not just drown in your own misery. Sorry, does that sound bad? I just hate working out."
Jessica also speaks on suing Playboy for putting her on their cover without her permission,
"Playboy isn't bad; it's just not me."