The Prophet (peace be upon him) use to do I’tikaf (seclusion in the mosque) in the last ten days of Ramadan. It became a regular practice of his, particularly in his last years.
Today, we are living in a densely populated world, with numerous ways of instant communication, yet we are ever more lonely, depressed and bereaved of any spirituality than ever. I’tikaf helps to enhance our spiritual growth. We are also able to strive hard in the worship of Allah better, as we have less distractions, and more focus on our noble pursuit.
I’tikaf can only be observed in the mosque, preferably a Jumah Mosque, so the observer does not leave the same mosque on the Jumah day. There are no specific hadith restricting the I'tikaf to some specific mosques.
I’tikaf can be Obligatory or Non-obligatory (Sunnah). The obligatory I'tikaf is that which the person makes obligatory upon himself. This may be done, for example, by an oath “By Allah! I must make I'tikaf” or by a conditional oath “If Allah cures me, I shall make I'tikaf...” In a hadith it is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever makes an oath to obey Allah should be obedient to Him.” 'Umar (RA) said “O Messenger of Allah, I made an oath to perform I'tikaf one night in the mosque at Makkah.” The Prophet (peace be upon him), said: "Fulfil your oath." (Bukhari)
The Sunnah I’tikaf is that which the Muslim performs to get closer to Allah, especially during the last ten days of Ramadan.
It is disliked for one to engage in affairs that do not concern him. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Part of a man's good observance of Islam is that he leave alone that which does not concern him.” At the same time, it is disliked for anyone to think that he can draw closer to Allah by not speaking to anyone. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was delivering a speech, he saw a man standing and asked about him. The people said, “He is Abu Israel. He has vowed to stand and not to sit, and not to speak, and to fast.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Order him to speak, go to the shade, to sit, and to complete his fast.”
Certain acts are not permitted when one is performing I'tikaf, and these acts if done would nullify the I'tikaf. Intentionally leaving the mosque without any need to do so nullifies the I’tikaf, even if it is for just a short time. In such a case, one would not be staying in the mosque, which is one of the principles of I'tikaf. Abandoning belief in Islam, as this would nullify all acts of worship. Whoever ascribes partners to Allah, his deeds are lost and he will be among the losers.
Losing one's reasoning due to insanity or drunkenness, or the onset of menstruation or post-childbirth bleeding, sexual intercourse, etc all disqualifies a person for I’tikaf. Allah says, “…But touch them not (that is, your wives) and be at your devotions in the mosque….” (Qur'an 2 Verse 187)
Although it is agreed that the one who performs I’tikaf may leave the mosque in order to answer the call of nature, for this is something that he personally must perform, and he cannot do it in the mosque. Also, if he needs to eat or drink and there is no one to bring him his food, he may leave to get it. If one feels sick or the need to seek medical assistance, he may leave the mosque to do so. For anything that he must do but cannot do in the mosque, he can leave it, and such acts will not void his I’tikaf, even if they take a long time.