Ramadan Rice Porridge Recipe

In Singapore, most mosques cook and distribute rice porridge during the month of Ramadan. This porridge is given out to Muslims after Asr' (mid-afternoon) prayers. Typically, Muslims who can afford it, give money to the mosque committtee so that they can sponspor the porridge distribution.

Most Muslim families break their fast by eating the porridge first.

Rice Porridge

Rice Porridge Recipe

Ingredients :

200g Uncooked Rice
2.5L Water
150g Lean Meat(beef and chicken), Minced
4cm Cinnamon
1 Whole Star Anise
4 Cloves Garlic
3cm Fresh Ginger
10 Pieces Blackpeppercorns
10ml Coconut Milk (optional)
1 carrot, Minced
4 tbsp Deep-fried Shallots
4 tbsp Spring onions, Chopped Moderately
Salt to Taste

Method :

1)Wash rice in several changes of water, drain and put in a large pan, add water and bring to a boil.

2)Add cinnamon, star anise, garlic, ginger and the meat.

3)Partially cover with a lid and simmer gently, stirring constantly for about 1 hour or until rice is very soft and creamy. If the porridge appears to dry out, add a little hot water.

4)When rice is soft, remove cinnamon, star anise and ginger, then add chicken and simmer for another 15 minutes.

5)Add the coconut milk here if desired (optional) and season to taste with salt.

6)Serve hot, garnished with fried shallots and spring onions.

If you prefer a vegetarian rice porridge, then simply leave out the meat, and add baby corn, peas and other vegetables you would prefer.
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