(Quran 11 Verse 23)
Abu Bakr, meaning the father of the early, was so called for he was the first adult Male to accept Islam. He was also the first caliph (ruler of the Muslim community after the Prophet passed away). What were his contributions to Islam?
After he accepted Islam, he reached out to convert others, including Uthman who became the third caliph. Then he bought and set free, several slaves who had accepted Islam, including Bilal the most famous Black Muslim in Islamic history.
He was the largest financier of the Islamic State. On one occasion, the Prophet was raising funds for a particular jihad, and Umar was determined to do more than Abu Bakr this time around. So he divided his properties into two and brought a half of it to the Prophet. But when Abu Bakr came, he brought all his properties. The Prophet, in his amazement, asked, what have you left for your family? His response was, I left them Allah and His Messenger. Umar gave up thereafter.
Abu Bakr quelled the confusion. After seeing the body of the Prophet (pbuh), closed his eyes, kissed his forehead, went out and said: Whoever worshipped Muhammad, let him know that Muhammad is dead. Whoever worship Allah, Allah is Ever-Living, the Eternal and then recited Qur'an 39 Verse 30. Sanity and reality returned immediately.
Then the confusion arose as to where the Prophet will be buried. Some said Makkah, because that was where he was born. No! Madinah, because that is where he established his State. No! No!! No!!! Jerusalem because Angel Jubril took him there in one night, then he led all other Prophets in prayers and was elevated to the Heavens from there (the journey of Isra' and Miraj).
Abu Bakr resolved the issue by quoting just one hadith. He said he heard the Prophet said that Prophets are buried on the spot they die.
Then came another: who will succeed the Prophet? Is it the Helpers of Madina (Ansar), who are next since the Prophet was Makkan) or two caliphs (a Makkan and a Madinite).
Abu Bakr quoted a hadith, The Caliphate is for Quraysh (not just any Makkan). The people agreed. He volunteered Umar Al-Khattab, but they made him the caliph despite his refusal.
When he became the Caliph, he gave an important speech:
How wonderful will this world be if leaders are this pious, just and humble?
More importantly, these are a few of the contributions of Abu Bakr to Islam, what will yours be? What will you do for Islam? Make that answer your Ramadan Resolution, share it with no one, but live up to it sincerely, your will be rewarded for your intention and efforts.