Google+, a real or a social network for?,technology

Google introduced Google + yesterday, its new social network that takes good ideas from Facebook by taking advantage of many features already present on Gmail.

Difficult at present to predict whether this new tool will easily find its audience and succeed in converting users of Facebook.
It is also too early to test all uses of Google + which users are currently very few and that is likely to be enriched by new features in the coming weeks.

I found interesting, however, the concept of "circles", much more intuitive and efficient than on Facebook. It provides a first step to "classify" knowledge group (family, work, leisure ...) and choose for each message posted, circles that can read it. It also opened with a click of collective punishment.

Finally, new forces, Google + is currently free of all these applications parasites and often advertising invading Facebook ("Find out who views your profile", "Test your IQ", "Machin said bad things about you, click here." ..) but there is no guarantee that if successful they do not appear very quickly.
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