Stefana Broadbent "80% of our trade is always the same 4-5 people"

For the summer, InternetActu offers to return to the uses of the Internet along with some of the researchers, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists who help us understand the Internet.
Intimacy at Work (also available in digital format) is a book halfway between documentary and pamphlet. The anthropologist Stefana Broadbent, who works at the Laboratory of Anthropology of Digital University College London, including a demonstration as powerful than evident on the alienation of the working world, even more successful than it had done TED Global Lift or France.

It first shows how important a few years acquired personal communications. More than connect us to the "Global Village", all the communication channels we use are primarily used to communicate with a handful of people close to summing up most often the family circle. It then shows the alienation that is the artificial separation between private life and professional life and how our practices of personal communication in professional activities seek to restore emotional balance which we are excluded. The book defends the thesis that rather than seeking to restrict the personal communication in the workplace, organizations would do well to make it easier because it is inherently beneficial to work and learning. It is with this regard said with conviction, we wanted to meet Stefana Broadbent to continue to understand, with it, changes in our trade. Interview.
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