Hitler.fr, mutilation.fr, satan.fr ... 30 000 domain names "sensitive" become legal,technology

"Hitler," "Islam", "genocide" or "rabbi" thirty thousand Internet domain names so far banned because considered sensitive, can now be purchased by anyone with a motive "legitimate", a term which must be defined by decree.
Among the 30 000 domain names on sale since Friday, some are more innocent than others: "Company", "email", "Internet", or "webmaster", which are also the most requested.

Others, considered more sensitive, are divided into several categories. In Crimes, there are "camp de concentration", "Hitler," "xenophobia," "Nazism". Freedoms are classified in "Quran", "mosque", "union", "satan", "god" or "church". values ​​or in "slave", "house-close", "mutilation".
In October, the Constitutional Council censored the 2004 law governing the allocation of Internet domain names and set the July 1 deadline to review the legislation. The Council had considered that under the "general development of communication services to the public online" coaching "the choice and use of domain names affected the freedom of communication and freedom of enterprise" .
This "constitutional" has come to an end Friday with the "liberation" of some 30,000 domain names.
Every person - or entity - "demonstrate legitimate reasons" and was first to file his case may become the owner of one of these new domain names, to develop a website (like www.eglise.fr), a portal or Internet addresses related. Since Friday, the French Association for Internet naming and Cooperation (AFNIC) said it had received more than three thousand five hundred and fifty cases.

Remains to be seen what will be recognized as a "legitimate reason" to acquire a particular domain name, "the implementing decree, which should be released in the coming days, should regulate what is meant by legitimate and be seen emanating from the requests we receive, "said Loïc Damilaville, Deputy Director General of the AFNIC.
"Then, of course, if the use of the domain name does not conform to what was stated in the record, if there are drifts of overuse or the domain name could potentially be taken," said he said.
The median price of a domain name. Fr is on average 12 euros excluding tax year. In April, the number of domain names ending in. Fr had topped two million.
Globally, the. Fr occupies the fifteenth place. On top of the list, the. Com, with some eighty-five million registered names. Two additional extensions beyond the ten million:. De (Germany) and. Net (generic).
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