Arrest of alleged spokesman for the group of hackers Lulz Security

Scotland Yard announced Wednesday, July 27, having arrested the spokesman alleged hacker group Lulz Security (LulzSec), which had claimed a wave of computer attacks for two months in late spring, before dissolving. The group referred to various sites related to targets like the CIA, the U.S. Senate or large enterprises.

The suspect, a man of 19 years, "was arrested at his home in the Shetland Islands, and is being transferred to a police station in London. A search of his home is in," said the British police . For Scotland Yard, it is "Topiary", one of the founding members of LulzSec. A young man of 17 years was also interviewed by the police in connection with this transaction, but is not under arrest.

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Regarded as the spokesman for the group, including the lead author of the Twitter account and communicated regularly published by the group, "Topiary" was the only member of the group responded to interviews. LulzSec currently has not denied the information.

Since its dissolution "official" group, whose attacks were intended targets prestigious computer, but not always successful, has claimed its participation in several operations, legal or illegal, targeting law enforcement, security, or companies. A statement co-signed by LulzSec and informal collective Anonymous, published Wednesday, invites users to close their PayPal account and to boycott the service in protest against the closure of accounts used by WikiLeaks.

In recent weeks, international crackdowns American and European policies had resulted in the arrest of several suspected members of Anonymous or LulzSec.
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