Apple's new complaint against Samsung ,technology

Apple has filed a complaint in South Korea for patent infringement against Samsung in a new episode of their legal battle around the smartphones and digital tablets. This dispute is part of a long series of mutual complaints: Samsung has attacked his rival to court in South Korea, Japan and Germany in April, after Apple had requested an investigation against the group South Korea, accusing him of having with his Galaxy, "slavish" copying its models iPhone and iPad.
Last week, Apple said a lawyer in a U.S. court that the patent issues were the focus of discussions "at the highest level" between the groups. The major industry players with very strong growth in tablets and smartphones are waging a fierce battle to try to at least maintain their market share.

Taking advantage of the success of the mobile platform Android, Samsung has become the main competitor to Apple in the segment of shelves. But both groups are also closely related, since the results show that Apple Samsung was the first quarter the number one client of the giant South Korean, to which he provides in particular semiconductors.
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