The Timpani Jeanne recipes (salmon mousse zucchini in the microwave)

Preparation: 10 min
Cooking time: 2 to 3 minutes in the microwave

Ingredients (serves 4):
- 4 slices of smoked salmon
- 2 large zucchini
- 2 or 3 eggs
- 10 cl double cream
- dill
- mint
- One small clove garlic
- Pepper, salt
- Olive oil


Grate zucchini.

Fry in olive oil with garlic and herbs. Pepper and salt (but not too much attention to the smoked salmon!). Book, and let cool slightly.

Beat eggs and cream omelette.

Combine zucchini omelette with possibly give a helping hand mixer for the "foam".

Line 4 ramekins with the smoked salmon slices.

Pour omelet zucchini-lined ramekins in salmon.

Cook in microwave for 2-3 minutes, depending on the power (check the cooking yourself, there is the way to go!)
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