Molten Chocolate ramekins recipes

Preparation: 10 min
Cooking time: 12 min

Ingredients (serves 4):
- 120 g dark chocolate squares + 8 (5 g) to reserve
- 3 eggs
- 80 g sugar
- 35 g butter
- 1 tablespoon flour


Melt the chocolate in a pan and butter, stirring regularly to form a smooth paste and smooth.

In a bowl, mix eggs, sugar and flour. Stir in chocolate mixture and mix.

Pour 1 / 3 of the mixture into individual ramekins. Place two squares of chocolate in each of 4 ramekins, then cover with the rest of the chocolate preparation.

Place the ramekins in the oven (thermostat 7 / 210 ° C) for about 12 min, no more!

Enjoy preferably hot or warm.
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