Big Three fail to win the NBA title with Miami Heat

The failure of the "Big Three" in the Miami Heat win the NBA games in their first season in the team as it resulted in the fluctuation level of the team and its lack of coherence in some cases to the loss to the Dallas Mavericks in the final of the tournament.

And enjoy the fans are Americans who objected to the way in which to leave out LeBron James and Chris Bosh teams, joining Dwayne Wade in Miami, the way led by the Dallas Mavericks, the more modest in its possibilities and which led him to win the series matches the final round 4-2 thanks to the collective performance of the team.

For the Heat has established a clear sense of failing to achieve its goals more clearly.

He said Heat coach Erik Sbolestra "There is definitely a state of vacuum within the ranks of our team now. We have gone through very difficult to put in a lot of times this season and we felt often that we are fighting two seasons in the form of a single season."

"We do not have any excuses. Do not blame anything. One feels helpless at times ... you do not have a trick about those games and their outcome."

He continued, "but that this does not introduce any measure of comfort to the players in the dressing room."

Sbolestra and went on saying "one day will be able to re-look at it .. This will be sometime this summer when we get rid of this feeling of emptiness and pain, and then we will feel good about what happened."

Sbolestra said "It is a distinct set of players. We have sacrificed a lot of players for that. It is unfortunate that our inventory and come up empty."

Americans tend, like most fans Mahaidiin to support the team at least fortunate that it has gained more power this year because the Heat was a team that money many of his hatred for James reincarnation of the role of villain naive for several reasons.

This seems to be somewhat ridiculous for Sbolestra.

Heat coach and said, "LeBron is the item that attracts a lot of things .. criticism and a lot of noise that was outside. I think that it's not really a fair."

He added, in reference to the decision James cut his salary in order to join the team like Wade and Bush "have made great sacrifices so to come here as a player in the spirit of the team to the maximum extent. Should not be subjected to criticism for this reason."
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