内到外的干酪 食谱


1 / 4杯碎切达干酪
1 / 4杯切碎的格鲁耶尔奶酪
1 1 /2茶匙辣椒粉
1 / 4茶匙新鲜胡椒粉

要烧烤:烧烤架轻轻油(见提示)。烧烤过中高热量塞饼,每边约4分钟的中等井。 (千万不要按汉堡,因为他们煮或他们会裂开和奶酪将软泥了。)要烤:盖用铝箔和烹饪喷雾外套肉鸡锅。烤在炉子上三分之一每边约4分钟中等好,酿肉饼。在这两种情况下,让汉堡5分钟站在服务。


要油烧烤架:石油折叠纸巾,同钳它擦在机架上。 (不要用热烤烹饪喷雾。)



新鲜黑莓酱 食谱


1 1 / 2品脱黑莓







黄椒品尝 食谱


1 / 3杯糖
1 / 3杯醋
1 1 /2汤匙冷冻菠萝浓缩汁
1 / 4茶匙盐








杏仁,生姜水果沙拉 食谱


1 / 2杯蜂蜜
1 / 4杯slivered或切片杏仁,烤


划分到4中小板,分层切片精美柚子轮。顶部约1/ 2杯草莓切片每个堆栈。结合蜂蜜,柠檬汁一小碗和生姜,在每个沙拉小雨。撒上杏仁和服务。




15 1/ 2盎司罐装阿拉斯加三文鱼
1 / 3杯脱脂酸奶纯
1 / 3杯切碎的大葱
1 / 3杯切碎的芹菜




Samsung calls to stop import iPhone and iPad in United States,technology

The South Korean giant Samsung Electronics said Thursday it had filed a complaint against the United States to prevent Apple from importing to the United States several of its most famous products manufactured abroad, new episode in the war of patents contrasted with its rival.

Samsung filed a complaint with the International Trade Commission United States (ITC) and called for a ban on imports of iPod (portable), iPad (tablets) and iPhone (mobile) in the U.S. market. The South Korean group accuses Apple of violating five of its patents related to wireless technologies.

This complaint is the latest episode of the struggle between the two groups. Apple and Samsung, who market such as smartphones and iPhone S Galaxy, filed complaints against each other since April, are accusing each other of copying and infringing patents.

Last week, Apple filed a new complaint, this time in Seoul, demanding the ban of sales of the latest products from Samsung, which it accuses of copying its smartphone and its touch pad. Despite the fierce competition they are engaged, both groups have close relations in the production of components (processors) in particular. The American group in 2010 and was the second largest customer of Samsung (after the Japanese Sony), representing 4% of annual sales of South Korea.

The dumbest game show... yet

Finally! A version of JEOPARDY for morons!! For years, cretins have surfed past JEOPARDY on their way to FEAR FACTOR repeats always wondering what the big deal was. It’s just some eggheads answering questions and it has to be fixed. No one in the world would actually know the answers to those questions. Like people remember the name of rivers and U.S. Presidents. Yeah, right. And that’s all the show is – answering questions. Where’s the excitement in that?!

I can imagine the focus group. Twenty Cro-Magnons in a room, playing with string, being asked what they’d like to see in a game show. A hot girl sitting under explosives being propelled straight up in the air while she screamed for dear life. Yeah!!! People plunging ten stories down into water. Another hot babe strapped to the wing of a WWI fighter plane zooming across the sky. Now this has potential!

But what about the questions? They must be intellectually challenging. “How much did William Shatner sell his kidney stone for?” Okay, that one might be a little too highbrow but it’s in the ballpark.

The prize: $50,000 for the winner, which if these people do the math is enough to buy a Lear jet.

Assuming that this focus group had evolved to where they had thumbs, by now all forty would be up. Feet would be clapping.  Drool would be pouring. 

Hence, 101 WAYS TO LEAVE A GAME SHOW – a game show that mixes idiocy with low expectation greed and explosions. Throw in an incredibly annoying host who thinks he’s Adam Corolla and you have the recipe for summer fun, ABC style. Take that, Fox!

However, for anyone watching this schlockfest who has an IQ of 50 and a forehead, this is the dumbest new show on television.

JEOPARDY contestants have college degrees; one 101 WAYS contestant has a big tattoo on his arm of Lady Gaga, another wants to use the prize money to build a waterfall for his iguana, and a third plans to use her winnings to buy a backstage pass to a Justin Bieber concert. Shooting these nitwits out of cannons isn’t cruel. It’s what they deserve.

The truth is there’s no suspense. Obviously, none of these dolts are in any real danger. They’re doing nothing more than essentially going on Six Flags Magic Mountain thrill rides. Yes, they scream and maybe think they’re in danger, but they would think that on every attraction they ever ride. They’ve cheated death by surviving Dumbo.

And just to make sure that the questions aren’t too taxing, over the course of a one-hour show there are a grand total of ten of them. The toughest: Did McDonalds ever offer McLobster?

“I’ll take village idiots for 40, Alex.”

If you like complete train wrecks then 101 WAYS TO LEAVE A GAME SHOW is for you. Train wreck, by the way, is probably way 22. I can only hope that the show will be off the air long before they get that far.

MySpace sold for $ 35 million

The network MySpace, one of the largest social networks in the late 2000s, was sold for $ 35 million to online advertising, Specific Media, which intends to make a vector for its activities. In 2005, MySpace was bought by News Corp, the group of media mogul Rupert Murdoch for $ 580 million, but the old social networking giant has seen its earnings and collapsed face value the success of Facebook.

MySpace "has transformed the way people discover, consume and interact with online content," said the CEO of Specific Media, Tim Vanderhook, said in a statement. "There are many synergies between our companies as we all attach to enrich the experience of digital media by making them more relevant and interesting," he added.


While MySpace has already undertaken several waves of layoffs in recent months, a memorandum issued by the news website All Things Digital says that the company will undergo another drastic weight loss. According to reports, half the workforce would be affected, about 200 people.

The Director General Mike Jones, who had already removed 47% of the workforce earlier this year, announced he would leave himself MySpace after a two-month transition. News Corp. had begun in February looking for a new owner for the social network, he struggled to revive after repositioned as a meeting place for lovers of cultural events, including music.

In the last published quarterly beginning in May by News Corp., MySpace's results were included in a category with vague outlines, whose losses had been dug 125 to $ 156 million. MySpace now meets every month some 35 million U.S. Internet users, against more than 157 million for Facebook, according to figures from consulting firm Comscore. According to the firm eMarketer, advertising revenues have plunged MySpace since 2008 (604 million). "This year, eMarketer estimates that MySpace will earn just $ 183.5 million in advertising revenue in the world", down 36.3% year on year. "Facebook, by comparison, will earn $ 4.05 billion in advertising this year."

Asked Monday in New York on the failure of MySpace, a former aide to CEO Mark Zuckerberg Facebook founder Sean Parker, found that the management team at MySpace had "failed to adequately develop the product" . "It was basically a big pile of stuff poorly designed for many, many years. At one point, they were content to copy Facebook quickly, they would be Facebook," said Mr. Parker to Techcrunch. MySpace was created in 2003 by marketing professionals Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson, who had been ousted by News Corp in 2009.

Caria announce his retirement after a long march ,ice hockey

Said Paul Kariya, who led Anaheim to see the DAX after one game of winning the league ice hockey in North America and won the gold medal for Canada in the Winter Olympics announced his retirement Wednesday after 15 season in the competition.

He retired player, 36-year-old, who won the Cup twice, the sporting spirit in the league play officially after more than a year of launching his last game he missed the entire 2010-2011 season with the team St. Louis Blues.

Caria, said in a statement released by his agent, "announced my retirement today, ice hockey professional level. I would like to thank all those who contributed in many wonderful memories .. of colleagues and coaches teams and departments."

Caria and put an end to his career after scoring 402 goals in 989 league games with teams Anaheim and Colorado Avalanche, Nashville Predators and St. Louis.

Tsonga said that Flooring Federer the best moments of his career,Wimbledon

Described France's Jo-Wilfried Tsonga to win his return to the great Roger Federer in the quarter-finals of Wimbledon on Wednesday as the best in all of his career.

And proved Tsonga, who always looks like boxing legend Muhammad Ali because of the physical structure that, despite the strong habits that are happy, the public performance is also the instinct of survival and the final blow that characterize the boxers.

After having over Federer in straight sets on Centre Court Awad Tsonga, 26 years and is world ranked 19, came from behind to win the following three groups and settled the match by 3-6, 6-7, 6-4, 6-4, 6-4 and climb to reflect expectations for the play against Serbian Novak Djokovic in the semi-finals.

Said Tsonga, who reached the semi-final of a grand slam for the third time, "I felt in very good condition on the pitch .. my performance was very fast .. it was perfect today. Every time I feel I live a dream.

"For me this is a very special moment because I beat Roger Federer in the quarter-finals here and on the main field. I love the atmosphere here. For me, it's amazing."

"I wondered .. how would I feel if defeated (world number one Rafael) Nadal at the French Open .. surely this is one of the best memories in my career as a whole."

At the age of 26 years affected by the march of Tsonga for months because of knee injuries, back and thigh, and despite some impressive performance in several games, the best result was reaching the final of the Australian Open in 2008, when he lost to Djokovic.

Västerbottenost recept

Västerbotten ost (Västerbottensost) är en ost från Västerbotten i Sverige. Det är ett hårt komjölk ost med små ögon eller hål och en fast och kornig konsistens. Precis som i cheddarost, är ostmassan värms upp, i bitar, och rörde innan osten är gjuten och år. Stark i smak, är dess smak beskrivs som något som parmesanost, salt, men med mer bitter anteckningar. Det är ljusgult och har en fetthalt på 31%. Vissa svenska folket [vem?] Anser att det är kungen av ost och efterfrågan på det har ofta överstigit det begränsade utbudet. Av denna anledning är det ungefär dubbelt så dyrt som andra typer av lagrad ost. Västerbottenost måste vara i åldern minst 12 månader, men 14 månader är vanligare.

Byn Burträsk (numera en del av Skellefteå kommun) hävdar Västerbottenost uppfanns där på 1870-talet, förmodligen med ett mejeri piga, Eleonora Lindström. Enligt legenden var hon ensam kvar att röra om i ostmassan av en traditionell ost, men avbröts, antingen av andra sysslor eller en assignation med sin älskare. Detta resulterade i växlande perioder av uppvärmning och omrörning av ystning mjölk.

Västerbottenost produceras endast av Norrmejerier, på mejeriet i Burträsk.

Sagan Bakom Smak:
Det іѕ trodde thаt thе hemligheten bakom thе mogen smak οf thе Västerbottenost іѕ obesvarad lονе. Enligt tο thе ѕtοrу, distraherad аn uppmärksam friaren en skicklig ost tillverkaren en hel thаt ѕhе hållas glömma аbουt thе kittel över thе eld, іn whісh ѕhе wаѕ mаkіng ost. Bесаυѕе ѕhе wаѕ ut οf fokus thе brand under thе kittel wеnt ut en gång аftеr varandra аnd dålig ost tillverkare hålla igen belysning іt. Därför thе ost mаkіng processen wаѕ förlängas аnd thе ost wаѕ kokta аnd rörs längre thаn vanligt.

Kasta bort resurser hοwеνеr värdelös wаѕ aldrig аn alternativ іn thе ost tillverkarens tid. Thе "misslyckades" ost wаѕ nοt kastas bυt wаѕ istället placeras οn en hylla аnd vänster tο bе glömt. Några år senare, trotsade någon аnd dесіdеd tο smak thе ost. Thе ögonblick thе jordskorpan rörde thе mans tunga, hе omedelbart visste thаt hе hаνе іn hіѕ händer thе godaste ost іn аll οf Sverige. Det wаѕ јυѕt en fråga οf tid thаt thе nyheter οf en grеаt provsmakning mjukost аll över stan аnd frοm thеn οn människor erkänt іtѕ överlägsenhet - nο en hаd еνеr smakat en ost аѕ gοοd аѕ thе Västerbotten!

Stark, doftande аnd skarpa - thе Västerbottenost fångade thе hjärtat οf någon whο försökte іt. Thеrе іѕ nο säkerhet tο thіѕ dag om thе lονе ѕtοrу wаѕ trυе οr nοt, bυt ryktet hаѕ іt thаt Eleonora faktiskt visste mycket väl whаt ѕhе wаѕ gör whеn thе сrеаtеd thе Västerbottenost. Västerbottensost har en mycket speciell рlасе іn thе historia οf аll svenska ostar. Det hаѕ fått ett antal οf erkännanden аnd utmärkelser аnd hаѕ bееn prisade bу människor frοm аll runt thе världen.

Thе Smaka Västerbottenost іѕ en stark smak ost, krispig аnd hаѕ en dеlісіουѕ gyllene yta. Det іѕ mаdе nära thе polcirkeln іn Västerbotten, Sverige ѕіnсе 1872. Thе Västerbottenost іѕ kända fοr іtѕ överlägsen kvalitet, whісh іѕ whу thе svenska call іt "Thе kejsaren οf Ost". Itѕ аmаzіng smak mаdе іt en trυе delikatess värd οf thе världens uppmärksamhet.

Thе Västerbotten hаѕ bееn en naturlig ingrediens fοr аlmοѕt svenska recept, särskilt under thе semester. En väsentlig раrt οf moderna svenska köket, thе Västerbotten іѕ perfekt fοr аnу slags οf maträtt - bе іt fοr sallader, risotto, dips, pajer, pizza, puffar, bröd, pesto, soppor, brittles, quesadillas ... thе lista саn gο οn аnd οn!

Thе Västerbotten wіll dеfіnіtеlу lägga till en extra touch tο уουr matlagning. Och аѕ thе semesterperioden flytande, en trevlig hjul οf Västerbotten wіll verkligen kommit іn händig іn tilltalande уουr gäster аѕ thеу unna іn thе smak οf god mat! Smaklig måltid!

systembolaget öppettider Taree

För några månader sedan öppningstiden för spritbutik har skjutits upp till 09:00. Detta är ett lantligt område med ett stort avrinningsområde outlineing samhällen. Jag och många andra gillar att dra nytta av shoping tidigare på morgonen. Är mycket tystare och mindre quing och trängsel. Vi tidiga köpare är angelägna om att vara långt borta från stan med 09:00. Ofta finns det en lineup väntar på att komma in när 09:00 kommer runt. Jag känner mig själv och andra ge upp och göra våra inköp på competers närmare hem. Du förlora kunder och vi väntar inte på att svepa våra belöningar kort, är din förlust större. Jag tror att utökade tradeing var att göra all shopping mer convienent för us.I vill att spritbutik för att öppna kanske 08:00 eller 07:30.

Spritbutik öppettider Taree

För några månader sedan öppningstiden för spritbutik har skjutits upp till 09:00. Detta är ett lantligt område med ett stort avrinningsområde outlineing samhällen. Jag och många andra gillar att dra nytta av shoping tidigare på morgonen. Är mycket tystare och mindre quing och trängsel. Vi tidiga köpare är angelägna om att vara långt borta från stan med 09:00. Ofta finns det en lineup väntar på att komma in när 09:00 kommer runt. Jag känner mig själv och andra ge upp och göra våra inköp på competers närmare hem. Du förlora kunder och vi väntar inte på att svepa våra belöningar kort, är din förlust större. Jag tror att utökade tradeing var att göra all shopping mer convienent för us.I vill att spritbutik för att öppna kanske 08:00 eller 07:30.

Enjoy Selena Gomez Meeting Shia Labeouf Video

Selena Gomez Meets Her Celebrity Crush Shia LaBeouf
Although Selena Gomez is dating Justin Bieber, it's actor Shia LaBeouf that gets her heart racing. The 18-year-old pop star was recently tricked into meeting her celebrity crush at a television studio, and it was all caught on camera.
"Best..Day.. Ever," Selena tweeted along with a link to the YouTube clip of her run-in. The video shows the singer being led into a room, but when she walks in, she's shocked to see Shia, and immediately walks out.
The 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' star runs after her and says, "Hey! Hey, nice to meet you." Selena gives him a hug and apologizes for bothering him.
Selena Gomez Meeting Shia Labeouf 
"I admire you," she says. "Very nice to meet you." The two pose for a picture and then Selena returns to her nearby dressing room to geek out.
"You guys suck. You used my fans as bait," she jokes with her team. "Oh my god, he's so handsome." Bieber had better watch out. Check out how it all went down below.

Google+ wants to compete with Facebook,technology

The battle against Google Facebook takes a turn more fierce. World number one search engine, revealed, Tuesday, June 28, the contours of its future social network, an area that has always failed to take hold.

Google+ baptized, it will serve primarily to compete with Facebook. But with Google +, the search engine announced that it will readily be distinguished from its rival by emphasizing the confidentiality of data posted by other users. Facebook is the target of repeated criticism of its flaws in data protection. But also the disclosure of certain information to advertisers.

The announcement of Google + is not a surprise. When Larry Page, Google co-founder, took the general direction of the search engine in April, it put the development of social networks top priority. The aim is primarily to counter the dominance of Facebook in this field.

Every month that passes reinforces the dominance of social networks. Internet users now spend more time on the pages of Facebook as those of the search engine. According to Com-Score, a specialist in Internet audience measurement, Internet users in May spent 13% of their time on the Internet at Facebook, against only 10% to Google. Yet in May, more than one billion Internet users consulted the Google sites.

For now, Google is still + testing phase and open by invitation only. The search engine has set no date for a possible opening to the public Google +.

In practice, acknowledged Bradley Horowitz, vice president of Google, the future social network Google has much in common with Facebook. Like its rival, it is also organized around the online, live, photos, messages and comments.


However, unlike Facebook, Google +, the "contacts" are grouped in circles of friends who share common tastes or passions. Circles of friends independent of each other. Thus, the user can choose which friends they want to share some information. The future social network will be synchronized with other features of the search engine, such as Gmail, but Google Maps and Google Images. A version of Google + for mobile phones will also be available.

+ Google does not intend to direct competition with Facebook. "It would be suicidal," warns Josh Bernoff, an analyst at Forrester Research. According to the latest count, Facebook brings together more than 750 million users worldwide. Bernoff says, Google + "will develop a niche. In this context, there is a chance that this becomes a minor hit." Because Google has already experienced failure. Including Buzz, a service launched in February 2010 and who was also competing with Facebook and Twitter.

The immediate announcement of the test set + Google revived the action of the Internet giant. Tuesday, the Nasdaq, Google the title won 2.25% and rose 10.85 dollars to finish the session at 493.65 dollars per share. Good news for the search engine, whose action had lost 17% of its value since the beginning of the year.

Microsoft is launching a Web version of its Office suite complete,technology

Microsoft released on Tuesday, a full Web version of its Office 2010 suite for businesses, including a product aimed at combating the presence of Google's online services for SMEs. Office suite, which includes office software (spreadsheet, PowerPoint, Word processing ...) is one of the best-selling software - and most profitable - Microsoft.

For an amount of 5.25 to 22.75 euros per month per user, Microsoft offers companies subscribe to different offers, including more or less dematerialized services and software. The company claims that this system will enable companies to achieve economies of subtantielles maintenance costs.

The division "business" of the software giant, whose main income comes from the Office suite, reported $ 5.27 billion (3.7 billion euros) in revenue to Microsoft in the last quarter results exceed by more than $ 300 million forecast.

But in this very lucrative industry, Microsoft has seen competition from Google Apps and its service business, which offers similar tools (online office, email ...) for 50 dollars (35 euros) per year per user. Intended in particular for SMEs, this offer - why Google does not share the number of paying users - is seen by Microsoft as a direct competition to one of its flagship products.

watch Brazil Vs Australia 29/06/2011 Sixth World Cup Women Germany 2011

Card of Game:

Match:Brazil Vs Australia
Champ:World Cup Women 2011
Date:29 june 2011
Time:16:15 GMT
Stadium Moenchengladbach

Analysis of the match:
There is no doubt that the game will be very strong because of the skilful players in both teams but the presence of player skill Kmarta possible to make the difference at any time, do not forget of course, stars Seleção and the others died Order Alfrigueni on the ladder of FIFA will give a bonus to the Samba Brazilian was Almidltas not been an easy prey and will try to the heart of all expectations
Brazilian and initially will be absorbed by the Australian women to be able to rebound and take the target surprise


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watch R.Nadal vs M.Fish 29/06/2011 Wimbledon

Card Game:
Qtr Final
Date:29 june 2011
No. 1 Court

 R.Nadal (Spain):



Aljazeera Sport 

Mexico achieved a great leap in the FIFA ranking after winning the gold cup

Mexico moved ahead in the new classification of the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) to fall within the list of the world's top ten for the first time since 2007 after winning the Gold Cup, organized by the Union of North America, Central America and Caribbean (CONCACAF).

And made Mexico occupies 19 places to ninth place after winning 4-2 at the United States in the final of the Gold Cup.

Spain has been the champion of the world and Europe in the top rankings, while the Netherlands came in second place.

And Germany and England over the Brazilian team winning the World Cup five times, which fell two spots to fifth place.

On the Arab level Egypt has presented a two for occupies fourth place thirty-world and the first Arab as was Algeria in the second place the Arab world after that occupied the 51st, followed by Tunisia in the third position on the Arab and fifty-seventh globally, followed by Morocco in fourth place on the Arab and sixty-third in the world.

And Libya came in fifth place in the Arab and the sixty-fourth globally, followed by Jordan in the sixth position, fourth and eighty-world, then Saudi Arabia in the seventh and the ninety-second world followed by Qatar in the eighth, fourth and ninety in the world.

Iraq and occupied the ninth position on the Arab and the ninety-sixth the world, followed by Sudan in the tenth position on the Arab and the ninety-ninth in the world.

On the African Ivory Coast topped the category's number one African and fourteenth in the world, followed by Ghana in Africa and the second thirty-third in the world.

And Egypt occupied the third place, followed by Africa, Burkina Faso in Africa, fourth, seventh, and thirtieth in the world came in fifth place in Nigeria, Africa and the forty-atheist world.

Levine & Isaacs -- you're fired!

It’s not uncommon for writers to get fired off of film projects. You turn in a draft, the phone stops ringing, and then you learn that someone else has been hired to rewrite you. Larry Gelbart, at a WGA membership meeting debating one of our many contracts, spoke to the crowd of about a thousand and said, “At one time everyone in this room will rewrite everyone else in this room”.  He's right. 

But how many writers have been fired even before they wrote a single word? Not many. The only two I can think of are me and my partner, David Isaacs.  What a dubious distinction!

It’s 1980. Director Randal Kleiser is hot based on an unlikely hit movie he megged (I love that bullshit Hollywood term) called BLUE LAGOON. A young nubile Brooke Shields (before becoming the toast of Broadway) and pretty boy, Christopher Atkins are trapped on a tropical island together. They frolic for two hours and this audiences wanted to see.

So Kleiser gets a big development deal at Columbia. He has an idea for a coming-of-age movie set in an amusement park. David and I are hired to write it. We do. He loves it. The studio loves it. Everybody loves it. No one makes it but everyone loves it.

While we are writing the screenplay, Kleiser is busy writing and preparing the next movie he was going to direct, SUMMER LOVERS. This classic starring nubile Darryl Hannah and pretty boy, Peter Gallagher, is about a gorgeous young couple who fall in love one idyllic summer in picturesque Greece. BLUE LAGOON with Lachanodolmades.

We turn in our screenplay to much praise and get a call from Randal. He’s going off to Greece in a week to begin principle photography of SUMMER LOVERS. But he’s getting a little nervous about the script. Would we be interested in doing a fast rewrite? Nothing major. No story or structure changes. Just round out the characters and maybe add a little humor and dimension. A messenger drops off copies of the script. We read it overnight, meet in the morning to discuss what we’d like to do, and then drive over to Burbank to confab (another favorite bullshit Hollywood word) with him in his office on the WB/Columbia lot.

The meeting goes swimingly. He loves our suggestions. He laughs at the jokes we propose. He couldn’t be more effusive and enthusiastic. What we pitch is just what the script needs he says. So he sends us off to write it, complete with his blessing and thanks.

We drive back over the hill to my condo on the Westside. Takes about a half hour. We walk in my place and immediately the phone rings. It’s our agent. No pleasantries. She starts out with, “Just what happened in that meeting?” I was sort of thrown by the question. “It went great. Why?” I asked. “Well, it couldn’t have gone that great,” she said, “Columbia just called. They fired you.”


"You're no longer on the project."

"Even if we were never on the project."

"Yep.  Your services are no longer needed."

"What services?  We never started service."

"You're fired!"

So that was that.  We never found out why. My guess is Randal didn’t like our suggestions but was just too much of a wimp (an expression I shall use in place of the one I really want to use but am taking the high road – although you know the word I mean) to tell us face-to-face. Randal went off to the make the movie. I never saw it. It bombed. I don’t think our rewrite would have made a damn bit of difference.

By the time he had returned, our amusement park project was dead. We learned later that Columbia had no intention of ever making it. They wanted another BLUE LAGOON, not a teen comedy out of Randal Kleiser. They were just indulging him.  We didn’t know it at the time but we were always just spinning our wheels (back in the days when studios still paid for the spinning).

There’s no real moral to this story. The only advice I could give writers so that this never happens to you is, I guess, don’t ever come home taking Laurel Canyon.

The expulsion of Detroit coach and his team win the blue jays,baseball

Been fired coach Jim Leyland of the Detroit game against Toronto in the American League baseball for professionals on Monday to the rulers of the incontestable, but his team managed to win over blue jays 4-2.

Leyland left the game in the seventh game after an altercation with one of the referees, who canceled a successful move to the Detroit Tigers player Andy Dirks.

It seemed a reaction to Leyland that breathe life into the Tigers attack, who scored two points in the eighth game and won their third straight.

Johnny Peralta and break the case of a 2-2 draw by scoring the third point in favor of Detroit in the eighth game. He added another point in the same half to give Inter the lead 4-2.

Tests show no serious injury Nadal,Wimbledon

Rafael Nadal, world number one said in a statement Tuesday that tests showed no serious injury to the left foot player with the Spanish-seeded Mardy Fish in the quarter-finals on Wednesday.

Nadal struggled through the first set of his match win over Argentine Juan Martin del Potro in four groups continued to meet and where I need to cure for about ten minutes.

Nadal said after the game "I thought I Sanshab. I felt something very strange. I felt I was breaking in my feet.. Absolutely. Will finally have the tests and then see how I can recover on Wednesday."

After treatment, Nadal was able to complete the match, although he said he was feeling pain in the implementation of strikes the front.

Nadal and underwent tests today and will train at a later time.

U.S. House Passes Much-Needed Patent Legislation Bill

The USPTO’s chronic backlog problems and painfully slow registration process may soon be remedied. Last week, the House passed a bill that should speed up the patent process by doing two things: 1 – Making the first person to file a patent application the undisputed owner of patent rights, not necessarily the party who invented the idea, and 2 – Allowing all fees collected by the USPTO to be used by the USPTO, instead of being diverted into other agencies.

Previously, if a person could demonstrate in court that he or she was the first person to invent an embodiment of the idea, they owned rights to the patent, even if they hadn’t actually filed a patent application first with the USPTO. This caused heartburn for companies who were being sued by inventors who came out of the woodwork after an application was filed. Although this avenue of litigation was meant to protect the ideas of inventors, and give them appropriate rights, it had the potential to be abused.

As the L.A. Times notes, this is the biggest update to the patent system since 1952. Due to an unusual unified effort by both parties, the bill passed cleanly, with a final vote of 304-117. In March, the Senate passed its version of the bill, with a 95-5 vote.

But not everyone supported the legislation. According to one of the bill’s opponents, Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), “The bill would permit the Patent and Trademark Office to award a patent to the first person who can win a race to the patent office regardless of who is the actual inventor. That is patently unfair to inventors.”

The bottom line for inventors is that they will need to be sure to file a provisional patent application early on in the invention and marketing process, in order to protect their rights.

Arsenal thinking about selling Fabregas to Barcelona when he reached for 30 million euros

According to media reports Monday that the club Arsenal Football may agree to sell the midfielder and captain Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona if the total fees of € 30 million (43 million) which is less than the amount proposed by the English club last season.

The BBC quoted "me. Me. C" source of official club Arsenal to Barcelona made an offer last week, but Arsenal rejected immediately.

The source admitted that Barcelona Qkd submit a new offer better financial return for this week and that in the case of raising the fees could be close to Barcelona to sign him to its ranks.

These statements represent great news for Barcelona, ​​which has long sought to bring Fabregas of Arsenal, but the English club had always refused to negotiate this deal.

Fabregas and traveled to Barcelona on Sunday to spend the holiday Tbakyy of winter and the newspapers were unanimous in the territory of Catalonia, the city would remain in Spanish.

Previously, Barcelona president Sandro Rosell to make clear that the financial offer, which will be submitted up to 40 million euros (about $ 57 million), a financial value that can convince Arsenal moved away from the player.

The report "me. Me. C" that the player wants to leave Arsenal and return to Barcelona where he was raised as seen Arsenal that he has now can offset the departure of Fabregas in the presence of Jack Wilshere and the possibility of contracting with the Argentine Ricardo Alvarez.

The speed up a deal to end Arsenal Fabregas before the start of preparations for the new season on the fifth of July next.

Nadal gave a strong and beat Del Potro in Wimbledon

Spaniard Rafael Nadal, world number one on a foot injury and his opponent's powerful serve of Juan Martin del Potro in straight sets to one 7-6, 3-6, 7-6, 6-4 to reach the quarter-finals at Wimbledon on Monday.

And had Nadal on the first defending champion to present his best to oust Balarzintina Del Potro, who won the U.S. Open in 2009, especially after my injury in the foot and got medical help.

Nadal gathered and compose himself after the cessation of play for treatment, and won the tiebreak 8-6. Although Del Potro won the second set, but the enormous mental capacity to Nadal enabled him to control the game.

Del Potro and fell on the grass pitch with the score level at 2-2 in the third set and came out of the pitch to receive treatment for a thigh problem.

Nadal broke Del Potro for the first time in the fifth game of the fourth set and went on to win the meet and will face American Mardy Fish in the quarterfinals.

Australia equalized with Denmark and qualify to the round of 16 young mundial

Completed Australia held qualifiers to the knockout round for the World Cup of soccer for youth under 17 years hosted by Mexico, after the draw with Denmark 1 / 1 on Monday, in a game began Sunday evening and stopped after six minutes of them because of storms and thunder and heavy rain in the round the last third of the Group F match of the tournament.

Completed the game today.

Danish team's progress to after 35 minutes after Jacob Barrett ball from the left to pay off a strong ball bounced to the Rochester Sorensen, who shot into the net easily.

After one minute of the goal doubled the pain after the expulsion of Australia Berkits use for a deliberate foul on Rochester.

In the final minute of the game, at a time when everyone expected to win the match ended Denmark, broke ground for Locke Remington scoring the equalizer for the killer of Australia.

Lifting of the Australian team to score four points in the third place to qualify for the knockout in the top four teams ranked third, compared to a single point of Denmark in fourth place last.

Brazil leads the order of Group F with seven points, while Côte d'Ivoire comes with four points.

Meet Australian team and Uzbekistan in the first knockout round on Wednesday.

Google reveals the list of countries asking him to remove links,technology

Britain and the United States are among the countries making the most requests for the group that removes Google internet links or provides information on its users, according to tables published Monday, June 27 on the second half of 2010 .

It is Britain that Google has received the most requests to remove links or videos between July and December 2010: 93,518, of which 93,360 were actually deleted at the request of the authorities to eliminate misleading advertising. South Korea has submitted 32,000 requests, mainly to avoid the disclosure of a national identity number (RNN).


In a political context, the Italian police asked Google to remove a YouTube video criticizing the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and faking his murder. Google explained that the video violated the regulations of the site, and that he had effectively withdrawn. In Brazil, Justice has requested the removal of political content during the election campaign, and the United States has removed 1100 Google content that defamed a man and his family. In contrast to Vietnam, Google refused to remove search results for "a particular word that generated unflattering comments alleged former leaders" of the country.

The report also details the applications received for information on Internet users. The United States dominated the rankings, with 4,601 applications, of which 94% were answered. Brazil is second with 1,804 applications, of which 76% received a partial or complete response, followed by India with 1,699 requests (79% response), Britain (1162 requests, 72% response ) and France (1021 requests, 56% of responses).


"Our goal is to enable users to find access to information, and also to respect the confidentiality of their information," noted Matt Braithwaite, a charge of "transparency unit" of Google, on the blog group. "Whenever we receive a request, we check first that it respects both the spirit and letter of the law before responding," he said. "Where possible, we warn users concerned", and "if we believe that demand is too large, we try to reduce it."

These figures were published in the "transparency reports" that Google publishes regularly, and that the group decided to "change the format so we can see the data country by country," said Mr Braithwaite. "This gives a better idea of ​​how we respond to official inquiries, including the local police or federal," said Mr Braithwaite.

Valve se convertit au pair free-to-play,technology

The model free-to-play drive to impose it on the platform games? This system, born in Asia, and allows free access to the game, but whose contents are additional fee, continues to gain ground. Last week, Valve is the leader in digital distribution with Steam on PC, which began this transition. Team Fortress 2, the famous shooter with cartoony graphics, has adopted the model free-to-play, allowing players to acquire new weapons including, for a few dollars.

Mid-June, Valve had already announced an integration of free-to-play in several titles available on Steam, such as role-playing online Forsaken Worlds. NC Soft leading publisher of South Korea, had also made a similar announcement for its online game City of Heroes.

But the movement could go beyond the platform for PC gaming. According to Develop, Microsoft is also trying to forge business partnerships to develop this model to the console X-Box 360. According to the specialized site, monetization could be done through the sale of virtual items in the game, or additional features. The U.S. group declined to comment.

In fact the free-to-play has begun to break above last year in Western countries. To halt the loss of players, many game publishers massively multi-player opted for the free-to-play. Titles such as EverQuest 2 Extended or even Dungeons & Dragons Online and Lord of the Rings Online, Turbine's studio, and have experienced this transition. Electronic Arts, a leading "traditional" game industry tries also to the free-to-play in games like Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online for example.

But the success of titles on social networks such as securities "city" of Zynga, with tens of millions of monthly users, is also an important showcase for free-to-play. In a title like Farmville, users have free access to the game, but can pay for virtual seeds.

One of my writing pet peeves

I saw MIDNIGHT IN PARIS recently, which I liked but didn’t love (even if all the critics tell me I'm supposed to love it). There were some nice moments in it, I enjoyed the fantasy aspects but ultimately thought it would have made a better Woody Allen short story. (If you’re not familiar with his collection of short stories, treat yourself. They’re hilarious and wildly imaginative. Get Without Feathers or Getting Even.) But I digress as usual…

One aspect of MIDNIGHT IN PARIS really bothered me -- all the wasted dialogue. Woody Allen isn't the only culprit, I see it in other movies and shows too. And it's just a personal pet peeve. But if you’re a young writer-hopeful (I like that term so much better than wannabe. Wannabe sounds like an Indian Guides troop.), you might want to give this rant some consideration.

You only have a certain amount of time to tell a story. Every word needs to count. In MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (warning: scene spoiler alert but it won't effect your enjoyment of the movie), there's a potentially funny sequence when Owen Wilson (picture Woody Allen but young and Gentile) is trapped in a hotel room with earrings he took from his fiancé (for a reason I won't divulge). On FRASIER we would do this type of scene every other week. And it would be packed with funny lines, whopper lies, great reactions. I'm sure Neil Simon, if given the same comic premise, would do the same.

But not here. Here the scene is filled with,

"My earrings are gone!"
"Really? You sure?"
"Did you check everywhere?"
"Yes. They're missing."
"Really?" Did you even bring them?"
"Yes I brought them."
"I don't know that you did".
"I did."
“I don’t remember seeing them.”
“I brought them. I saw them this morning.”
“You did?”

You get the point.

Sorry but to me that's just lazy writing. You may say, "well, that's the way people talk.". And I would say absolutely -- but it's not interesting. It's sure not funny and this is a block comedy scene. As a writer it's your job to do better. Anyone can write the exchange I presented above. Your job is to make it funnier or more compelling or more thought-provoking or…more whatever.

Can people stammer? Sure. Do they talk ungrammatically? Every sentence. They also hedge and hem and haw and talk in circles. And you can use those qualities and still be engrossing. I refer you to any David Mamet play. Naturalistic dialogue doesn't have to be boring. But it takes skill to make it sing. At least attempt to do that.

Some would say that promotes dialogue that is too stylized. And often times they're right. Just as bad as boring conversation is the "no human being would ever say that" charge. But I'd rather err on the side of style, on the side of trying too hard rather than not enough.

I can hear some of you now. What about Aaron Sorkin? He uses a lot of short sentences and characters repeating other characters’ lines. What about him? I know. I’ve even spoofed him myself. But there is a definite flow to Sorkin’s dialogue. There’s a rhythm. Everything is carefully designed. It’s not just idle chit-chat, it’s lyrics.

I'll stop just short of saying you're making art because that always sounds incredibly pretentious so I'll just say you’re making diversions worthy of our time and even our money. Make every word count.

Maybe Woody should have traveled back to Paris in the 1920s – and spent more time with Hemingway.

Les Schtroumpfs 3D 29 juillet 2011,technology

Les Schtroumpfs, aussi connu comme le film Les Schtroumpfs, est un film à venir 3D familiale live-action/CGI dirigée par Raja Gosnell et les étoiles Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Hank Azaria, et Sofía Vergara.

Produit par la Jordanie Kerner, le film sera distribué par Columbia Pictures. Il sera le premier CGI / live-action film hybride dans la franchise Schtroumpfs .

Après cinq années de négociations, Kerner a acheté les droits en 2002 et était en développement avec Paramount Pictures et Nickelodeon Movies jusqu'au Columbia Pictures et Sony Pictures Animation a obtenu les droits du film en 2008. Le tournage a débuté le 26 Mars 2010 à New York. Après avoir communiqué la date a changé trois fois, il est actuellement prévu pour être publié le 29 Juillet, 2011.

Situé dans le Moyen Age, le sorcier maléfique Gargamel (Hank Azaria) découvre le village des Schtroumpfs et les chasse dans une zone boisée. Les Schtroumpfs s'éparpiller et maladroit Schtroumpf (exprimées par Anton Yelchin) erre dans un "interdit" grotte et quelques-uns des Schtroumpfs d'autres suivent. Depuis c'est aussi une lune bleue, un portail magique au sein de la grotte les transporte dans l'actuelle Central Park à New York . Ils prennent refuge avec couple marié Patrick et Grace Winslow (Neil Patrick Harris et Jayma Mays) et essayer de trouver un moyen de revenir dans leur village avant Gargamel les trouve.

Google under fire from U.S. competition authorities,technology

The U.S. Internet group Google has confirmed Friday, June 24, he had been warned by the U.S. competition authorities to open an investigation into possible abuse of dominant position, declaring that he would collaborate in the months come.
"We recognize that our success leads to more attention (the authorities). Yesterday, we were formally informed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that it had launched an investigation into our activities," said one of the leaders Google's Amit Singhal, the blog of the group. "We respect the procedures of the FTC and we will work with it (as we did with other jurisdictions) in the coming months to answer questions on Google and our services," he added.

This investigation was announced Thursday by the Wall Street Journal. "The five committee members are preparing to send formal requests to Google of information in the coming days," said the financial daily in its electronic edition, citing "people familiar with the case."

The FTC declined to comment, citing the confidentiality of its investigations. According to the newspaper, "other companies also are likely to receive formal requests for information about their relationship with Google."


For the Wall Street Journal, the investigation could be the largest to date in the United States on Google, which until now has attracted the attention of competition authorities mainly in connection with its mergers and acquisitions.

In particular, U.S. authorities should consider whether Google, which monopolizes about two-thirds of Internet searches, is abusing that dominant position to direct Internet users to its services at the expense of competing services.

Google is the subject of a similar survey of European authorities since November, following complaints from service providers online research competitors.

Apple's new complaint against Samsung ,technology

Apple has filed a complaint in South Korea for patent infringement against Samsung in a new episode of their legal battle around the smartphones and digital tablets. This dispute is part of a long series of mutual complaints: Samsung has attacked his rival to court in South Korea, Japan and Germany in April, after Apple had requested an investigation against the group South Korea, accusing him of having with his Galaxy, "slavish" copying its models iPhone and iPad.
Last week, Apple said a lawyer in a U.S. court that the patent issues were the focus of discussions "at the highest level" between the groups. The major industry players with very strong growth in tablets and smartphones are waging a fierce battle to try to at least maintain their market share.

Taking advantage of the success of the mobile platform Android, Samsung has become the main competitor to Apple in the segment of shelves. But both groups are also closely related, since the results show that Apple Samsung was the first quarter the number one client of the giant South Korean, to which he provides in particular semiconductors.

Vacation Tip: Where to find writers

I read articles all the time about where tourists visiting Los Angeles can see stars. There are also maps to the stars homes (although Jack Benny and Lucille Ball have moved to more permanent residences. ). But what about all those millions of visitors who come to Tinsel Town just to catch a glimpse at writers? There’s yet to be an article about that….

Until now.

So for those of you scribe groupies hoping to see an actual TV or screenwriter this summer vacation, here are some places to go:

NATE N’ AL’S – This perennial Beverly Hills delicatessen is officially Broadway Danny Rose west. Here is where old comedy writers go to die of heart failure. Usually in tables of five or more, piled high with pastrami sandwiches (“I’m hungry now that I’ve quit smoking!”) the old sitcom guard holds court, trading stories of the good old days when Elizabeth Montgomery was a doll to work with but that Cosby kid was a handful. (“Two comedy albums and suddenly he knows funny!”) Morning meetings between writers and agents, managers, or producers start about 9. The ones that are over by 10 are working writers, the ones that go on til 11 are not.

THE AMC THEATRES, CENTURY CITY – weekday matinees only. Usually in pairs. Listen for the keywords: “Who greenlit this shit?”

THE FARMERS’ MARKET FOOD COURT – weekday mornings, early. They have coffee, read the trades, bitch about their fantasy baseball teams, and get the hell out before all the tour busses arrive.

Every STARBUCKS and COFFEE BEAN on Ventura Blvd between Vineland and White Oak. They’re easy to spot, sitting in front of computers, nursing one $3.00 ice blended for eight hours.

ART’S DELICATESSEN – Studio City. The San Fernando Valley equivalent of Nate N’ Al’s. Close to CBS Radford with oversized artery clogging triple deck sandwiches that include pastrami AND chopped liver. The one-time popular haunt of all the MTM writers so it’s kind of a shrine.

CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL – West Hollywood. Home for all reunions of GRACE UNDER FIRE, CYBILL, and ROSEANNE writers.

THE SMOKE HOUSE – Burbank. Across the street from Warner Brothers studio. The bar area. Leave it to writers to think a good place to pick up chicks is at an old style red booth restaurant that’s been around since John Barrymore used to pass out there. Historic note: Captain & Tennille were discovered playing the Smoke House lounge – thus adding even more to the hip factor.

THE AROMA CAFÉ – Cute little coffee house with cute outdoor patio. On Tujunga Blvd in the valley mere steps from where Robert Blake had the love of his life whacked.

RESIDUALS – A bar in the valley that used to let writers pay for drinks with residual checks that were under a dollar. They eventually had to stop that practice because they were getting too many. I myself have received a check from THE SIMPSONS for one cent. And I’m sure it cost $5.00 to process and mail the check.

THE BRENTWOOD COUNTRY MART – Westside smaller version of the Farmers’ Market Food Court. Writers and news anchors hang out here. You’ll have no trouble telling which is which.

THE OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS -- Burbank. See recently divorced writers.

Any coffee shop above Hollywood on Franklin – Lots of guys trying to write the next PULP FICTION. Or MIKE & MOLLY.

Happy hunting. One rule though: no handing out spec scripts! Let me repeat that:


Either working writers will be pissed or non-working writers will give you theirs.

new Robinho dream to participate in the World Cup dream from the gate of the Copa America

When he was seventeen years old, described by many as the successor Brazilian football legend Pele, but the Brazilian forward Robinho could not over a decade to cling to such succession did not provide what it is worth comparing the black gem Pele.

After many years spent in the successive failures within the ranks of Real Madrid and Manchester City, England, he Robinho / 27 years / discover himself in last season by AC Milan and became his goal and hope is the new partnership with the Brazilian team in the 2014 World Cup to be hosted by his country.

Robinho scored 15 goals for Milan in last season and established himself among the stars of Serie A this season to prove he deserves financial return paid by AC Milan to sign him in August / August last year, which amounted to 18 million euros.

Over the course of his career with Real Madrid and Manchester City, Robinho has two high-speed performance and enthusiastic, which made him a star Extraordinary and model at the beginning of this century when he was in the ranks of Brazilian Santos.

But Robinho "average" is now more mature, committed and luster after a successful season which contributed a significant impact in Milan win Italian league title for the first time in many years.

Robinho has become the new more able to play just as fluent as the spearhead in the center of the attacking midfielder.

And most importantly he knows now, after Playgroup received many criticisms and sharp during his career with Real Madrid due to individual performance, which was frozen when the score 35 goals in 135 games with the club from 2005 to 2008.

It was his career with Manchester City is much worse than in Real Madrid, where he scored 15 goals in his first season with him before that accompanies the bench in most games the following season to score freezes when a single goal.

Therefore, it was natural that the City agrees to loan to his former team, Santos, before agreeing to sell him to Milan less than half of the contrast material, which paid for him from Real Madrid, which amounted to 42 million euros.

Showed the 2010 World Cup South Africa Robinho's ability to rediscover himself and proficiency in team play, where Robinho made several good offers with the team despite his failure to cross the quarter-finals.

The proficiency Robinho performance collective with the Brazilian team in the 2010 World Cup and then with AC Milan in last season incentive for the coach Mano Menezes coach Brazilian annex it to the list of the team in most games in which he led the team since taking charge of Brazilian samba to replace compatriot Carlos Dunga in the wake of an early exit from the World Cup 2010.

And when Brazil host the 2014 World Cup, Robinho will be in thirty years of age, therefore, hoped that the luck to participate with the team in the tournament, which has become the third in his last world cups.

But the task of Robinho will not be easy at all in light of the emergence of many of the wonderful talent of Brazilian football in recent times, which confirms that it needs to make more of an effort to persuade Menzies to keep him in the team.

Seems Cup South American Nations (Copa America), hosted by Argentina next month, an ideal opportunity for Robinho to install his feet in the team Samba Brazilian private and that the group would not participate in qualifying the 2014 World Cup as the representative of the host country, which means that the team would not run after the Copa America any games official until the World Cup with the exception of the Confederations Cup 2013 in Brazil.

Robinho hopes to provide impressive performances in the Copa America performances similar to that presented in the same tournament in 2007 when he was top scorer with six goals and played a prominent role in the victory of the Brazilian team won the title as the best player in the tournament.

Uruguay coach did not specify the list after participating in the Copa America

Said Oscar Washington Tabarez coach Uruguay football that his team's preparations for the Champions of South American Nations "Copa America" ​​going well, despite acknowledging that he had not yet determined the final list that will participate with the team.

Coach said at a news conference Saturday at the camp "Preparations are going from good to better. We're a few days after the start of the tournament, but everything goes well, with the clarification of specific points about the way you must play by the team." .

Tabaiz works with a group of 26 players, so it would be the exclusion of three of them before the start of the Copa America. And defender Diego Godin subject to a special program with the team, hoping to overcome injury suffered by currently participating with the team.

The coach said "We are still waiting for a lot of information may reach us in the coming hours to determine details about the final form of the list and likely starting line. We have a time limit in accordance with the regulations ends on Wednesday."

In turn, confirmed the midfielder Arevalo Rios that he can not wait to embark on journey the team in the tournament, adding, "We are ready to provide a method of play. We have to show why our occupation in fourth place in the World Cup," which was hosted by South Africa in 2010.

Colombia defeated Senegal in preparation for the Copa America

Team won the Colombian football counterpart of Senegal / 2 zero in a friendly on Saturday, in the last matches in preparation for the Copa America which begins in Argentina as of the first of July next.

The meeting came a goal by each of the Abel Aguilar Martinez and Jackson scored in the 16 and 41.

And showed the game at the Colombian city of Medellin many defensive errors in the ranks of owners of the land, so that the fans booed launched against their players.

The Senegal team is the most dangerous in the beginning of the meeting on goalkeeper David Ospina, Colombia, but was able to score goals by Aguilar, who followed the ball rebounded from the keeper after a shot mate Dayron Moreno.

The second came via a header to Martinez, who took advantage of a cross from the right side sent back Camilo Zija.

The Senegalese team completed the game with ten men in the 49th minute after the expulsion of the player as Mandao Sai, who intervened violently with Martinez.

Colombia and then proceeded to attack more, but the attacking trio, consisting of Freddie and Hugo Jawaran Rudayija and Falcao Garcia failed to increase revenues.

It is expected to head the Colombian national team, which finished goalless last Wednesday against Mexico, the Colombian city of Pereira, to the Argentine capital Buenos Aires on Sunday, where the move tomorrow to the city of Santa Fe, home to the camp by participating in the Copa America.

And play Colombia in the first group of the continental championship along with Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica.
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