Affiliation and price comparison

The comparators allow surfers to easily find the price of a product in several stores, which allows him to compare the various offers and choose the most suited to these needs, the criterion is not necessarily prices, but often the services associated with a merchant.

In affiliation, comparison shopping can sometimes represent a very important part of ecommerce sales. It is not uncommon to find comparators in the lists of "top affiliates".

Remuneration policy on price comparison sites may be of two kinds:

* A cost per click
* A cost per sale generated

Of course the comparators will emphasize the first option, namely the cost per click, allowing them to "secure" business model, however, merchants prefer the second option, since they have the certainty that the investment directly sale.

This second mode is also closest to the basic principle of Affiliation.

Listing price comparison

Here are 2 examples of comparators based in part on Affiliation:


The act of placing a price comparison in affiliation is often cheaper for the advertiser, even if it does not guarantee the indexing of all its products and optimal classification.

The comparators are generally ahead of the merchants products that are more "generous" with them, which slightly skews the comparison principle by the price for example, which is often not practiced by the research default on these tools.

Advantage Affiliation price comparison

The use of price comparison sites ecommerce catalogs as well as XML as CSV.

They thus often have hundreds of thousands of pages and have an excellent SEO. So when your inclusion, given the traffic to such sites, it is possible to generate immediate sales.

Finally, be present in comparison shopping via the affiliate can sometimes occupy more than half of Google results on some queries. Indeed, between your product sheets, your blog entries and results of different comparators that's a lot of pages that can potentially be positioned.
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