Cashback and Affiliation

Here is a very interesting principle which will take more and more momentum in France in the years to come.

The concept of cashback is fairly simple to understand. A cashback site will offer its visitors make a purchase from a merchant via his website. Interest in the Internet and "earn" money for each purchase.

Specifically, the cashback site will give a portion of the commission would be charged to the user. In this virtuous circle, everyone makes money: affiliate, the merchant and the user.

We can consider that the user obtains and discounts on all purchases. This is a model that can be very interesting particularly for comparison shopping even if they do so to lower their margins.

Coupon codes and other discount coupons

Such sites may receive a traffic really important. Indeed, users looking for cost savings and good deals are still more numerous.

Before making a purchase, it is common for some buyers always look for a coupon by typing in such search engines "coupon code} {MARK" or "good reduction {MAKE} ".

To be visible on such sites, it is wise to frequently renew its codes.

These sites are also rémunérèrent by the commission system already presented in this tutorial. Often when someone requests to see a promo code, it automatically opens a new page in the merchant's site with the tacking and the cookie that goes with ...

It is also possible to create specific codes or emailing Showing the right plan with the colors of affiliated sites.
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