Facebook losing momentum in the U.S.A?

Facebook's growth is continuing at a global level, but the social network seems stalled in some countries like the United States, says a report published Sunday, June 12

According to the website Inside Facebook Gold, which conducts monthly surveys, social networking, co-founded by Mark Zuckerberg, will soon reach the 700 million active users. In early June, Inside Facebook accounted 687 million, against 675 million a month earlier. Based on the demand for online advertising on social networks, social enterprise Bakers consider it over 698 million worldwide. There are less than a year, the social network for its part claimed to have surpassed the 500 million registered.

Despite this continuous annual growth, Inside Facebook, however, a changing country motors. "Most new users are from countries that are relatively behind in the adoption of Facebook, " the statement said. Countries like India and Brazil have for example 2 million subscribers in just one additional month. But the study also shows that countries that were early adopters of social networking are now losing visitors.

In late May, the United States, the most represented country on the social network, had 149.4 million active users, at the beginning of the month they were 155, 2000000. Canada is also losing 1.52 million users, while the "United Kingdom, Norway and Russia have lost more than 100,000 people, "according to Inside Facebook.
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