Nokia and Apple soldent their legal dispute

World number one mobile phone, Finnish Nokia, said, Tuesday, June 14, its U.S. rival Apple agreed to pay royalties to settle all their disputes over its use of several technologies patented by Nokia. "Apple and Nokia have agreed to drop all pending and adopted a license that covers each part of the other patents," said a spokesman for Apple.

"We're pleased that Apple is joining the growing number of people who adopt technologies Nokia ... This agreement demonstrates the value of Nokia's patent portfolio," responded the Finnish group's executive director, Stephen Elop said in a statement. Nokia also said that the agreement ending the proceedings, whose terms remain confidential, would enhance its earnings for the second quarter. A total of ten patents "covering GSM, UMTS and WLAN", three key technologies of wireless, were involved.

The agreement, however, excludes items that are special about the iPhone, according to a spokesperson for Apple. Both groups were in legal dispute since October 2009, when Nokia filed a complaint against Apple before the American courts, accusing the firm at the apple to enjoy free of patented technologies by Nokia.


"The structure of the agreement - one-time payment plus royalties due - indicates a rather favorable outcome for Nokia," said Florian Mueller, blogger specializing in patent issues. "Maybe Nokia could he continue to be firm and finally got an agreement even better if it was not facing his current difficulties. Anyway, this has every appearance of a victory notable. "

The patent disputes are common in the area of ​​mobile telephony. The latest on the South Korean giant Samsung, which is also engaged in a legal battle against Apple.
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