Nintendo action collapses the Tokyo Stock Exchange

The action of the video game giant Nintendo, collapsed at the Tokyo Stock Exchange since the introduction of its new home console, Wii U. The title of Nintendo's tomb, Thursday, June 9, its lowest closing level in over five years. It was worth only 16,160 yen (138 euro) at the end of the session, after dropping 10% in two days. It was not listed as low in close since January 2006.

Investors are very skeptical about the success of the future group home console, Wii U, presented Tuesday at the E3 video game show in Los Angeles. They believe that this new machine will be hard to offset falling revenues suffered in recent years by Nintendo, whose products competed hard. "U The Wii itself is not a priori a bad console, but market participants were hoping for more innovation, " explained analysts.

The action group had peaked in 2007, rising to 71,900 yen (614 euro) in October, closing as Nintendo recorded unprecedented success with its DS handheld console and Wii home. According to VG Chartz specialized site, the Wii has sold over 86 million copies worldwide
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