iD SoftWare for the Wii U ?

Wii U. .. How not to talk since Nintendo's E3 conference?

Between console gamers and fans to console, the Wii U surprises, and not third parties who say the opposite. Indeed between Ubisoft and TtGames, the Wii takes advantage of U as well as exclusive games for PS3 and Xbox 360.

This time it was John Carmack from id Software that wants to take advantage of the Wii also U. It is in an interview with Gamespot about his latest game: Rage, which will come out later this year on HD consoles and PC. It talks about developing the game, why he did not talk about Wii and the Wii also U. Here is the comment on:

"[Nintendo] has done a big demonstration at the company ZeniMax and I told myself:" Do I have to go? "It was just a month ago I think. But I told myself:" No , I really must stay here and now I'm working on Rage. "But you know the level of technology reached [by the Wii U] reaches the other consoles, which is good for us.

Before that, the Wii was not our priority, the [game engine] Id Tech 5 is not compatible with the Wii, not at all. We seriously considered using the IOS version of Rage to create a Wii version. It would be perfect for a technological standpoint, and I think it could have been a nice game of Wii, but we decided that this was not the right time to come on the market for the Wii.

But now that we have a new platform to watch, to be perfectly compatible with our technology, I am sure we could do something on it. But from a marketing point of view we must ask, is it that people are not already served by another platform?

If you want to play hardcore gamer, the Wii console is in principle a second or even third choice for this type of audience. Even if we had launched Rage atop the glory of the Wii, people would have probably taken the game in PC version, 360 or PS3, which would render better justice to the game

We'll study the evolution of the market. But I am pretty excited by the touch screen [of the Wii U]. I think it will be more useful in games that the mere detection of movement, with which you had to rethink the game and you could not adapt as it is a FPS already well established. But I think the DS has already shown the advantages of a touchscreen, and can be numerous. "

Have You Had Any chance to Look at the Wii at all U?

So will we see Rage U Wii? Anything is possible!
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