Optimize a catalog XML / CSV for affiliation

The catalogs are for products in general that e-tailers. Many e-merchants to offer their product catalog for members, with most all products on the sites.

At optimizing these products exports, it takes the ideal that the seller has only products available at time T, that is to say most often when the generation says file .

In general, the file is updated daily. During the sales, it is not uncommon for dealers update the catalog products 2-3 times a day, but in reality platforms affiliation do not pass this update "intense" or the price comparison with some exceptions.

To optimize this file, the merchant must:

* Show products
* View Shipping costs actually paid by consumers (which implies some kind of produce quite a headache at times improbable)
* Present discount codes at the time (if the charges are equivalent to 0 euros from 30 euros in orders for example, useless products from this level to put a shipping generic)
* Decouple D3E electronic product prices so that consumers know how much the tax is
* How to choose the titles, descriptions and keywords

The D3E on waste electrical and electronic equipment, it can "accrue" when purchasing the recycling of these products from merchants.

Tips to optimize its product catalog in affiliation

The product catalog from a merchant is often a gold mine for competitors of it, so it is not really foolish to think that competing vendors could join your program to recover every single Update your product catalog and automatically match the level of your current promotions.

Remember also that you give more information about your products, plus the Internet can be a notice "full" on it and so ordered. Choose an XML format for your product exports, which will allow much wider use of it.
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